Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING

DUWANG subs from their mysterious source continue to flow in to glorious effects. As long as it isn’t an issue,I’ll continue to link them here so you can share in the glory. Thank you to SA User Factor_VIII for the link the official ADTRW JoJo’s Anime thread.

As the DUWANGLES continue to be wonderful to experience I’ve decided to start a small little posting thing for fun: DUWANG Line of the Week, or Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING. Every new bad translation release of The Strange Journey of Joey JOjo will get a pick for best line. I’d like to do video but YouTube is giving me trouble, so maybe later.

For now the screen cap of the first winner

Joey JOJo will kick you in the groin of your crocth with his tree leg.

Look forward to more DUWANG PRINCE KINGs as the show progresses.

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