Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: Joe Gar’s App

Duwang subs have unfortunately fallen behind, so doing PRINCE KINGS isn’t as possible for new episodes, at least right now. But that doesn’t mean I want to leave you high and dry.

The PRINCE KINGS I’ve been picking have just been the ones that have made me laugh the most when I first see them, but it’s always tight competition. There’s at least a handful everytime before I decide which one to use. Since there are so many others, here’s a few runners up.

Dio shows that all education has practical applications if you know where to look.

Those six or so other bullets that hit him in the chest and pushed him out the window were a fluke!

With the power of the Ripple, you can turn things into other things while they’re still the same things.

When new subs are out, new PRINCE KINGS can emerge. Keep you posted.

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