My Hero is Dio Brando. He’s the Best in JoJo’s Kart 64

Stop whatever you’re doing. This is adorable.

This is too cute. Like I said, JoJo’s fanworks come out of the woodwork pretty easily now that we’ve got the anime, so I’m not sure how old this is or who did it. Whoever you are, you get all the internet points because that is the sort of thing I fangirl out over.

“But cuteness isn’t what JoJo’s is about,” you say. “It’s about manly men in dangerous competitive cart races with power-ups and Speedwagon as the race announcer.” Ok, maybe you didn’t say that part, but Millio of Orion’s Belt Tumbler did.

Also doesn’t slip on wet ground.

The driver is a Dio exclusive projectile weapon.

Were this made, I’d make Giorno spin out as much as possible just to see raccoons scurry from underneath his car every time.

The “Baby Dodging” stat is also maxed out.

I don’t know if Dio or the car’s engine is going “Muda muda”

To quote the Tumblr, “Polnareff would be a judge also because he’s got reff in his name.”

So you see that CyberConnect2? I expect this as an unlockable bonus game for beating all the All-Star Battle Story Modes. You can even use the same character models and have Wham up there race in his chariot from his fight with Joseph. I wonder how Polnareff-eree would feel about a Chariot racer?

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