MTAC 2013 Devil’s Dozen – Karaoke Night Video

Whew. That took a lot more time to make than I originally figured. So yes, DG was able to get a little video of the karaoke event in the off-main stage on Saturday. It’s a little shaky because it was filmed on the fly, and the crowd noise and music for the karaoke is a little unbalanced, but the impromptu para-para by Ms. Sailor Saturn was pretty cool and what that one guy lacked in knowing the second verse of the Pokemon theme he made up for in spirit.

Also, I’ve added a few more pictures to Cosplay Album 2 and General Goings On. We haven’t decided whether or not to do a cosplay riff. There’s not a lot of humor in infinite Homestuck cosplay jokes, but there was Foamccilo and Foamhan. We’ll get back to you on that.

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