Dio and Pucci’s Famitsu Special and the Mystery Man of Group G!

Woo, has this day been big for ASB. There’s a new Famitsu special for Pucci and Dio. SoWL over on the Dustloop forums has already grabbed it up and translated away. I’ll quote here with a few pictures, so if you’d like to open that up and read along, go ahead.

Dio Brando (CV: Takehito Koyasu)

Battle style: Blood-sucking
A character featured in part 1. A ruthless, but intelligent individual. He was adopted by the Joestar family in his youth after his father died, but plotted to overtake the household for his own ambitions. When his plans were revealed to the public and he was surrounded by police, he donned the stone mask in the last attempt to escape punishment and turned into an immortal vampire. He decided to use this power to control an army of zombies and rule the world, feeding on humans. In gameplay terms, he can follow-up particular hits with his “Blood-sucking” ability, draining enemy’s health or Heart Heat Gauge. As with other vampire characters, a portion of damage Dio is dealt recovers over time, though it is vulnerable to Ripple attacks.

Command move: Kikareitouhou (“Vaporized and frozen”)
The move deals little damage, but freezes the opponent for a while. Additionally, it can be followed up by blood-sucking.

Command move: I got your artery!
By piercing the enemy’s neck, Dio can deal damage to them while healing yourself at the same time.

Command move: KUA!

Command move: So, you broke five to six ribs!?
A follow-up to “KUA!”. A powerful kick to the opponent’s sides.

Command move: Do you intend to defeat this Dio!?
A follow-up to “So, you broke five to six ribs!?”. After freezing the opponent with Kikareitouhou, Dio performs a powerful uppercut.

Command move: URYYY!!

Counter-move: It froze in an instant!
By guarding the enemy’s attack with this move, Dio can freeze them for a while. If he does, he can follow it up by blood-sucking.

Command move: You are but a monkey!
The ability to jump with a vampire’s power. You can also use this move to cancel certain attacks.

Command move: Weakling, weakling!

Command throw: Useless useless useless!

Normal throw: What a fool!


Heart Heat Attack: Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
Bodily fluids are shot from the eyes under extreme pressure! An excellent Heart Heat Attack to use at long range.

Great Heat Attack: I will give you a cruel and painful death!
After freezing the opponent with Kikareitouhou, Dio beats them up and performs a strong uppercut! As the enemy falls to the ground after the uppercut, they shatter into pieces!

Enrico Pucci (CV: Sho Hayami)

Battle style: Stand (Whitesnake / C-Moon / Made in Heaven)
* Whitesnake and C-Moon are voiced by Takuya Kirimoto
A character featured in part 6. DIO’s best friend and a priest serving at G. D. St. Prison. When he is disturbed, he calms himself down by counting prime numbers. To overcome fate, he will do everything to see DIO’s plan of “Attaining Heaven” to completion. The ability of his Stand, Whitesnake, allows Pucci to read and extract other people’s memories and Stands by turning them into “Discs”. When he reaches Cape Canaveral, Pucci merges with the green baby born from DIO’s bone and gained C-Moon, a Stand that can manipulate gravity. C-Moon can reverse an object’s gravitational pull by attacking them, turning them inside out. By reaching a position where it affects gravity the most, Pucci’s stand evolves into Made in Heaven, allowing him to infinitely accelerate time and achieve infinite speed.

Normal throw: Realize your insignificance as you crumble away!
The throw that’s universal for all Stands. Pucci kicks the opponent and grabs their face.

Command move: Finally got it from you! (with Whitesnake)
A move that deals damage to the opponent and extracts their Disc. If this move hits, Pucci holds onto the Disc. While doing so, he can seal enemy’s command moves.

Counter-move: It’s an “Illusion” (with Whitesnake)
A counter-move that hypnotizes the opponent, leaving them defenseless. If you get behind them, you can kick them behind their knees, knocking them down.

Heart Heat Attack: Did it… Not bad… (with Whitesnake)
Whitesnake thrusts his fingers into the opponent’s head and slowly pulls out their Disc. You can get the opponent’s Disc on hit.

Special move: 14 Keywords (with Whitesnake)
As Pucci recites the “14 Keywords”, the “Green Baby Gauge” at the bottom of the screen fills up! If you manage to fill it completely, your stand evolves to C-Moon!

Blowback move: My body is the “Center” (with C-Moon)
A move that can only be performed if the opponent is within a certain distance from you. If successful, the enemy is blown extremely far away.

Command move: Only deal one punch (with C-Moon)
The Stand quickly rushes forward and throws an unblockable punch. If the opponent is hit, they become affected by the “It’s turning inside out!” effect.

Command move: Now you’ve lost both of your arms!! (with C-Moon)
The Stand throws an unblockable punch with both fists. If the opponent is hit, they become affected by the “It’s turning inside out!” effect.

Command move: Stay out of this! (with C-Moon)
The Stand hits the ground at the certain distance, sending fast debris towards the opponent.


Great Heat Attack: Made in Heaven (with C-Moon)
After you perform this Great Heat Attack, Pucci gets caught in a window frame and starts to float slowly upwards. When you reach the height where the gravity is affected the most, the stand evolves into Made in Heaven. When it does, it starts accelerating time, making everything move extremely slowly. Moreover, Pucci himself starts moving faster.

Command move: The knives! (with Made in Heaven)
Two or more knives at once are thrown in midair!

Command move: Where is he!? (with Made in Heaven)
Pucci instantly teleports somewhere near the opponent.

On top of that, we’ve got a look at the Space Center hazard. It kinda makes sense where the pull of gravity changes what surface it pulls you towards. There’s also the Situation Finish at Castle Dio. It looks like I imagined. You just sort of get punted out the window, and it looks so fun.

I’ll save my attempt at analysis of the characters until after we see them play, and it won’t be long. ASB League has revealed their Group G. It contains Part 1 Dio, Pucci, and a Mystery Character. The UStream channel seem to list the broadcast date of this as August 7th, two weeks from today. That day, we will also be getting PV 6. The mystery character should be in it, and that will probably close the door on new, non DLC characters. Me, I’m hoping for Valentine.

(Images from Famitsu, translation from Dustloop. Thanks to both of them)

5 Responses to “Dio and Pucci’s Famitsu Special and the Mystery Man of Group G!”

  1. GyroGoGoZeppeli Says:


    • MoonHermit Says:

      You know what? If the silhouette is anything to go by, it probably IS him.

      • Haruna Says:

        I think I saw somewhere that it might just be a consolation/wild card slot for a character that got knocked out and that fans voted to bring back for another chance. :/ Not sure.

        I would prefer Diego to Valentine.

      • There is something about allowing characters that have already lost to go in somehow. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be this extra slot or if this is another new character we don’t know about.

        I’m honestly ok with either Diego or Valentine. With his dimensional hopping power, Valentine sounds like a good final boss for generic arcade mode, and since we got Part 1 Dio, don’t we have enough Di- ha, I can’t finish that sentence seriously. As long as it’s between Scary Monster Dio and Valentine, whoever is fine.

  2. Haruna Says:

    That’s a lot of fun ASB facts they released. Not sure what that will all look like in gameplay but “Green Baby Gauge” is my new favorite phrase.

    Anyway, I just want to hear some Koyasu Takehito vs Koyasu Takehito.

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