“I Must Cosplay This Immediately.” The Ryuko Matoi Cosplay Wig

So, Kill La Kill. I’d call it pretty good, and it’s collecting a lot of the same response from what I’ve seen. Do you feel like you need to go ahead and express your fandom to the max just yet? Well, AnimeSenzen certainly things you do. One day after the show airs for the first time and they’ve already released a cosplay wig based on main character Ryuko Matoi’s hair. It’s specifically designed so that the hair parts over the ears for the perfect authentic look, too.

If you’ve already started setting up your cosplay super team, this wig is running for ¥3,680 on Amazon.

4 Responses to ““I Must Cosplay This Immediately.” The Ryuko Matoi Cosplay Wig”

  1. How can you buy off of Amazon.jp if you’re in America?

    • I’ve never bought something from a non-US Amazon before, so I can’t speak from experience, but I’ve read that, because Amazon accounts are constant even if you change countries, you can buy them from your account regardless. It’s just got huge shipping cost.

      • I just went to go buy it and turns out they don’t ship this item to the US. 😦

      • That’s too bad.

        Hmm. I know some people around here do this. If you take the pictures of the wig from both angles to a wig shop, you might be able to get them to make you one, and it should be cheaper than international import. It’s not a super complex wig.

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