Kill la Kill Episode 2 “So Sexy She Might Faint” Teaser Images

Looks like this is going to end up like Titan where the site doesn’t have a preview image set and episode synopsis regularly on time. They do have the video for it, but that’s got the region block problem and I think it’s just the “Next Episode” preview chopped off the end of the airing. With that and Yaraon having the region differences, I’ll be getting teaser images that aren’t as clean. It’ll probably just end up like with Episode 1 every time.

Anyway, pictures:

Why is he getting naked? The real question is “why wasn’t he already naked?”

The greatest transformation sequence ever animated.

Like before, I’ll append the better pictures when they come out tomorrow. In the meantime, go watch the episode. The reverse monster-of-the-week joke at the end had me rolling. And then there’s the rest of the episode!


There you go. You can check out the rest of this set over on Yaraon.]

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