Kill la Kill Behind the Scenes Tweet Collection and Pro Cosplay Bonus

Hey, there’s not a new episode of Kill la Kill today, so there’s no picture of the new episode. How will we fill the time? Well, the KlK creator Twitter is very open about behind the scenes pictures. They post storyboards, prelim sketches, drawing tables, bonus art, drawing models, junk food, a lemon someone wrote the show’s logo on, and others. It’s very cool to see the basic drawings that eventually progress up to the full show. There are the beautiful storyboard parts like the above and the simple circles before a big Mako speech.

You can see the current collection of those here.

And there’s always cosplay galleries to fall back on. This set is unique because, up until now, we were doing pure fan costumes. What you’d see at conventions, but we’re now at the point where professional cosplay with pro photographers is starting to pop up. They’re almost entirely Ryuko, though we’re seeing some Satsuki as we progress outside the pro costumes and back into the fan ones, but I don’t mind because I really like everyone’s different takes on the scissor sword. You’d think there’d be a lot of consistency, but there’s a lot of different handles and lengths and shapes and all that. Props are fun.

You can check those all out here.

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