Kill la Kill episode 22 “Tell Me How You Really Feel” 30 Second PV

Encroaching on the end. That’s pretty much the entire preview. Nui isn’t dead, which I don’t think anyone really thought she was.  Most of this episode seems like it’s going to be building up to the final charge against that giant flying ball of space yarn. Most of the non-kamui characters seem to be getting their own fiber shredder, which would be something if those hadn’t been made obsolete within 2 minutes of them coming into existence. No, this episode is going to be mostly buildup even with Nui having both scissor swords. The biggest thing I’m guessing is going to come from Ryuko kneeling in front of all those covers and Satsuki and maybe others will save her giving her the final piece of solidarity. Sounds a bit standard, yeah, but if someone gets punched into a wall or something, it’ll be fine.

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