We Have to Open the Casket! Imagine What Sweet Cuffs Could Be in There!

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like for Dio at the bottom of the ocean? Who wouldn’t? Sentinel Co. has your back with their new DIO casket. It’s a small figure piece at 190mm done with the excellent detail you’d expect from a Sentinel product all the way down to a very nice “DIO” plaque latch. But is it only a solid box?

No, you can open it and put in your very nice jewelry. It is an accessory box. The display makes it look like a ring box, but you can put cuffs and all other sorts in there.

On top of that, there are two color versions. This is the standard version, but there is also the Undersea version that’s colored to match a more deep ocean tone.

Both versions are ¥4,104, and you can get them both from Union-Creative (Standard Version / Undersea Version).

(Images from Sentinel Co.’s Ameblo)

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