“Stand Proud” Single and “Stand Up Guide” Release Dates

That was fast. Araki-JoJo has already tweeted the release date of the “Stand Proud” single. It will be released April 23rd. Not even ten whole days. That’s nice to know, both because I want to hear the full version of the song, and also because it’s just more reason to be ready for there to be more OP. When it’s ready, you shouldn’t be able to get it through Animelo.

But that’s not everything. We’re also already getting a guidebook to the anime: “Stand Up Guide.” According to a tweet by UltraJump, where this picture comes from, it will include a roundtable discussion by the cast, interviews with the staff, and post-recording reports among other things they haven’t told us yet. This one is going on sale on the 19th, just four days away. We’ll probably get another one of these too by the time the show has really gotten going.

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