PV? More Like PunV! … なんちゃって! Shō Minazuchi P4A USH PV!

PUNS, MOTHERFUCKER, PUNS! Translation courtesy of ANN:

Shō: Your peaceful days are over because of the red fog? I haven’t the foggiest! Well of “corpse” I want to turn everyone into corpses! Just kidding! Hey. Come on. Laugh.
Shō: Oh, do I need a self-introduction? My name is “Sho Minazuki.” I’m the mastermind behind this incident. Welcome, everyone… To my world.
Shō: Well, you’ve been identified as welcome to this unidentified showtime! Just kidding!
Shō: I told you, right? I’m going to break everything. Things like bonds? Don’t make me laugh! I can smash those things with a single button!
Shō: Shut up shut up shut up! I’m going to break everything inside of you!
Narrator: The flawless dual sword-user! The law-breaking pun machine! Sho Minazuki!
Shō: What’s this about the power of bonds!? It’s just an excuse for weak guys to gather all together, right!?
Shō: All of you can just disappear! I want to be alone forever!
Shō: No matter how hard you guys fight back, you can’t win!

You have a very normal anime bad guy quality in the “friends are bullshit” thing, Shō. That’s a little disappointing because I’d heard that this character was supposed to have some DIO in him. I didn’t see it in the PV, either in how he acts or the way he fights, so maybe it just didn’t come across.

Still, puns. I may have a kindred spirit in this guy.

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