
“Don’t write to be read. Write to write.”

One Pixel Jump is a site conceived by it’s leader, OnePixelJumpMan, as a attempt to make a website for various media contributors to come together and make wonderful things for everyone on the internet. So far, it was a anime/video game podcast, then only really an anime podcast mostly about super robots, and now it’s more of a small news hub that’s sort of like a Tumblr but wordier. After a security debacle at Blogger, the site moved to this new spot to give you the podcasting goodies that only two morons with microphones can. Then that news thing happened. If it interests us, it’ll end up here in one form or another eventually.

Also, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Both of us really freaking like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Given half a chance, we would marry this man.

Wait, that’s not right. It should go:

It’s that we’d move in with all these guys to have awesome adventures forever. If you’re imagining how cool it would be for Araki, Saitama, and the Getter Team to be fighting together against ultra dinosaur vampires from beyond the sun, you’ve got a good idea of what kind of people run this place.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. GraphicJon Says:

    Hi One Pixel Jump Man,

    Just wanted to let you know I’ve made a Facebook Page for One-Punch Man. I did it for fun, but also found there is an official Japanese page already, so I think I’ll try to spin mine as an ‘Unoffical’ fan page for English speakers.
    I’m not mentioning it for you to ‘like’ or any bullshit like that, but I had randomly found your blog a few days ago when I was getting into the manga and thought your posts summarized things quite well (and funny). When I get around to updating the page a bit more I may paraphrase a few sentences from your first post describing Saitama origins and the series as a whole, but I don’t wanna rip from your blog, that’s dumb. I’m not the best writer so if it’s cool if I re-read that paticular post for some ‘inspiration’ at least for just one description (I think when I make a gallery of each character I’ll have a short 2 sentence bio) then let me know. It’s no skin off my back.

    • GraphicJon,

      Thank you for liking the article. I’m glad to know that another fan of Onepunch-man thinks I did it some justice.

      For the FB page thing, if you send me a link, I will totally plug it. If you want to use anything I used or wrote either verbatim or paraphrasing, feel free. Just jam a link here in a source block somewhere if you rip a paragraph straight or something. I don’t mind at all. What I put on the blog is what I want people to see, and however that spreads doesn’t matter. If more people read Onepunch-man, that’s what matters most.

      Again, thanks for liking what I wrote. If I ever get around to having a proper FB page, I’ll make sure and return the favor.

  2. Alright dude! I added a link the the page in this post. Honestly I was trying to just email you but this is all I could find to contact. You can delete these posts after if you want.
    I’ll be sure to, if anything credit you in the ‘About’ section for any contributions that I may rip.
    It doesn’t make a big difference right now if you want to promote the page since there is barely anything on it right now. I’m only updating in my spare time so it may be infrequent, but I will probably catch up to new issues.

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