Archive for the Videos Category

SRW Z3 Tengoku Hen PV 1

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/12/15 by doublegomez

There is no such thing as too much robot action!

Alright it’s time for the ultimate super robot wars experience. I have never seen animation like this before in an SRW game. Some of the action looks just outright drawn and the moves look more forceful and smooth than ever before. During this PV there were times that I just sat there in awe. Most of the robot favorites will be returning in this, including but not limited to:

UC Gundams

Getter Robo Armageddon 

Aim for the Ace: Gunbuster

Dancouga/Dancouga Nova

Full Metal Panic/Fumoffu/The Books

Armor Trooper Votoms

And many many more.

It’s actually really impressive what they are doing here because it seems that the roster is staying about the same in terms of size, but the fight animations are just getting a complete overhaul. They are really pushing the graphics on this one. This looks like it will truly be the best Banpresto can make so I’m more than looking forward to it.

Super Robot Wars Z3 Tengoku-Hen will be released April 2.

Majora’s Mask Remake for 3DS Confirmed!

Posted in Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2014/11/06 by doublegomez

Alright so maybe I’m a day late to this news but who care, Majora’s Mask is getting a remake! Here’s the trailer:

Alright let me just get this out of the way, I love Majora’s Mask. It’s my favorite Zelda game, and I’ve wanted it remade for a long time, so this makes me pretty happy. Nostalgia aside, I am dissapointed by one thing, it’s being remade for the 3DS. The issue with this is that means they can just port the engine, and just touch up the graphics, textures, audio, etc. and not rework the game from the ground up which is really what it needed.

The game’s original strength came from it’s small details and attempts at being subtlety dark as opposed to say Twilight Princess which really tried to show off how dark it was. The issue it had was that the ideas it had as the core game mechanic were limited by the specs N64 and it really deserved a strong engine rebuild that would make it the master piece it should have been when it was first released.

That being said, fans have been asking for this for a long time, and while it’s not the Wii U remake we all wanted, it’s still going to be a fantastic remake of Majora’s Mask. Also, it looks like there will be a limited edition of this to commemorate the event.

Look forward to The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask coming out in Spring 2015

JJBATAS Ep. 4 Premier

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/11/03 by doublegomez

Sorry for the lack of content, this is far harder than i thought it’d be. But as a refresher Antfish just put up episode of JJBATAS.

Pretty good if you ask me. The exchnage between Zeppeli and Dio is of particular note. I can already see people redrawing Will as the Pringles man or the Monopoly man, it works too well. Enjoy this long awaited episode.

The GMX pics will be coming soon.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 7th Stand User English Version!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/10/06 by doublegomez

Over the course of the past 5 years or so, a group called NendoTairiku has been working on a massive Jojo’s fan game called Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand user. As of a couple weeks ago, the game has been released in English thanks to the efforts of Super Bonk. I just picked it up. It’s definitely worth anyone’s time.

The game is basically a retelling of Stardust Crusaders, however you play as a new stand user who one day happens to meet Jotaro Kujo after he was released from prison. As the result of this you get caught up in their globetrotting adventure. You take a test to see what kind of stand you get, the combat is Etrian Odyssey style POV RPG combat, it’s pretty cool. And the sprite work is phenomenal.



So yeah that looks like it was ripped straight from the manga. This was a massibe project and the work really shows. Aside from the graphics looking fairly amazing, the game has 18 possible unique stands for you to choose, the game’s story actually does transcend the original manga as you will fight stand users from other parts, and the story has a total of 19 possible endings. Also, the game has some fantastic music with only a few hiccups. Here’s an example:

Definitely check the 7th stand user out. It’s fairly fun and it invokes some old RPG nostalgia with a jojo’s twist. You can download the game here.


“So this garbage is your trailer for me?” Tohru Adachi P4A UUSH Trailer!

Posted in Persona, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/06/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Translation courtesy of ANN:

: The timing of the incident…
Yōsuke: If the culprit knows about you…
Chie: …You…!
Yōsuke: You’re kidding, right!?
Adachi: Hey! Long time no see, you guys!
: …Adachi…!
Adachi: Huh? Ahahaha, well, actually, I had intended to be good from now on…
Adachi: Huh? Oh, you’re here, too. I’m fake? Ah, OK, sure, I’m fake, I’m fake.
Adachi: This town’s future? Has nothing to do with me. I’ll do as I please. I have rules too, you know.
Narrator: “The world is still trash!” The completely self-centered cabbage detective: Tohru Adachi!
Adachi: Oh come on, is your savior really just this? That’s too bad. Looks like he’s just a kid who’s wet behind the ears.
Adachi: Haha… Idiot… Come on. Bring it.
Adachi: I’ll break in you kids as many times as it takes…

It’s good to see that Adachi’s toying, irreverent attitude made its way into gameplay. That he has a move where he knocks you over and laughs at what a little bitch you are may be the best thing in a game that has a title screen where a robot shatters a kid’s spine with a suplex. I hope he plays well.

Official E3 Ackwowledgement Day: P4A2, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash Bros.

Posted in Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2014/06/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

Do you remember that we used to cover E3? We actually started this blog by doing that, but we stopped because less interesting stuff was floating by as time went on. There have been a few eye catching things, though, so have a couple.

P4A2: Bear puns make me happy. This is mostly things you’ve seen, but in English this time. The brief gameplay you see here is what you’ve come to expect from previous trailers and P4A1. It’s good to see returning voice actors, but I was hoping to hear the voice actors Yukari, Junpei, and Ken to see if they’ve kept their originals. I would be surprised if Ken, but the other two are up in the air.

So we’re going with Hyrule Warriors for the title. Makes sense. What you should take away from this is the reveal of playable characters because gameplay wise, it’s a Musou game. If you’ve played one, this will be that with tweaks and hopefully open maps and not rooms and corridors. We have a Link, of course, a Zelda, an Impa I think, and Midna with TP Wolf Link. That last one is the most encouraging because it means we may get an original mode with all kinds of characters from any possible game. I still want my LttP era Ganon, Koei. Let me shoot fiery bats at people! Or at least pull in some really obscure character like Richard.

And this just amuses me because ANIME! I’ve never really thought about how anime Smash Bros. is, but lasers and final smashes and all that. This is the intro trailer for Palutena, the goddess from Kid Icarus who is as fair game a character as anyone else. I can’t really speak to how she’ll play or the effectiveness of her moves having always been in the “hit buttons or something” party in Smash Bros., but we probably need to wait until we know if the game is going to go beyond that mentality. Still, ANIME! I did like the way they introduced Little Mac, but I would have loved to have seen the super anime version. And it would have been all traced over Ippo .gifs, and that would have been totally sweet.

I’ll let you know if anything else fun comes up. Come on Persona 4: Dancing All Night trailer! I know you don’t come out here until next year, but come on!

Space Dandy Season 2 PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Space Dandy, Summer 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , , on 2014/06/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

I haven’t taken a look at what’s coming up in the summer season yet, so it’s good to know there’s something to look forward to. Took it a few episodes to really get going, but Space Dandy‘s first season was pretty good. Creativity, beautiful animation, genuine humor, style, various other compliments. It looks like we’re in for more of the same is a weird way to put it since Space Dandy didn’t really have consistency, but that was a good thing since if something was a flop, it went away to give the next thing a try. As for specifics, I particularly like the return of Dandy’s surfing and the peeling back of Lady Liberty’s face to reveal the death skull underneath. That’s both because it’s cool and because the sound is satisfying as though the ship itself is sick of your bullshit.

Space Dandy Season 2 starts in Japan on July 6th. So we here can get ready to Dandy again on July 5th.


Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth Opening Sequence

Posted in Persona, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/06/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

I don’t know why I didn’t know immediately that Kanji was going to be all over Koromaru. It’s so obvious I wonder if P4A2 shouldn’t just have Koromaru be an equip for any character so that he and Kanji can have a move where they cuddle that takes some absurd SNK style input but is an instant match finisher. It would work on me.

Persona Q comes out in Japan today, so keep your ears up for anything about localizing and getting that song.

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods American Theater Release Official Trailer!

Posted in Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/30 by OnePixelJumpMan

Having grown up in the 90s and 00s, Dragon Ball Z is a huge part of my childhood and anime personal history. It wasn’t just my first shonen. It wasn’t just my first anime. It was the first cartoon I ever saw where people yelled a lot and punched each other, and thus is a key factor in why I write these posts in the first place. For good or for ill.

And the dub of DBZ is the original DBZ in my personal history. When that loud, lasery bullshit came on in front of a 6 year old me, I didn’t even know that Japanese was a language. So while hearing Masako Nozawa doing a Kamehama cry is fine, hearing Sean Schemmel do it while localizers try to convince me that this shit is going to be the most epic thing excites my inner child like you just told it everything is caramel now.

So yes. Funi is bringing us Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods officially dubbed and running in theaters from August 5th to 9th. You can follow all the  information, including a live countdown clock, on the official BotG website here. You can already see a few little changes, like Bills now being Beerus, but that sounds more alien and more like the beer to Whis’s whiskey, so whatever. I want to know who’ll play him because Beerus was a pretty nice villain in that he wanted to do what he wanted to do. He just happened to also be the being of ultimate destruction in the universe, so planets would blow up when he didn’t get to do that.

As you can tell, I’ve seen the movie before. It’s largely fine. It was back when we weren’t sure it would be brought over. That’s why it’s funny but not surprising to me that the trailer is so “AWESOME ACTION MOVIE GO SCREAMY LASERS YEAH!” Because that’s how we were sold DBZ back in the day. For the kids in the audience, just listen to this for a while and you’ll understand. That’s the kind of music that invokes the totally sweet super fights you’d see in a movie that BotG’s absolutely is not. It’s a comedy. It’s so Dragon Ball I’m surprised there weren’t any cartoony penises and balls in there somewhere. That’s not a bad thing for the movie. Beerus not taking things seriously is what made him so cool. I’m not worried about that tone being lost. The people who work on DBZ know how goofy it is. The trailer is just kinda funny in how… “AW HELL YAH” the tone is. Then again, maybe that’s a joke too.

The dub is being worked on now

How Do You Think This “Midnight Channel” Thing Will Be Boy? “Ruff.” Ken Amada and Koromaru P4A USH Promo!

Posted in Persona, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , on 2014/05/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

I didn’t know these two were going to be in. Cool. I mean, not cool. Now I have to pick between playing The Man, the best character, and playing The Dog, the other best character. Also, some kid who’s now some teenager. Only kidding. Ken’s fine if you don’t go the weird romance route with Girl Character. Though now it’s not quite as weird.

Translation courtesy of ANN:

Ken: I promised Mitsuru… That I’d live a proper childhood.
Ken: Thanks for the support.
Ken: Geez, you’re an adult, so what are you doing? You’re a bit too off guard.
Ken: As you wish. I don’t dislike sports at all.
Ken: I don’t understand either. That “honor” and “adult matters” stuff is completely ridiculous.
Ken: …Don’t give him weird names. Koromaru is troubled when you do.
Ken: My combination with Koromaru is good.
Ken: Let’s go, Koromaru!
Narrator: The Chunibyo (someone who is obsessed with a fantasy world to an embarassing degree) second-year middle school boy currently getting raving reviews! The cynical rookie who is cheeky to the max! Ken Amada & Koromaru!
Ken: What’s needed is determination.
Ken: We have no time to be turning back now, right!? It’s because we all clashed against each other and accepted one another that we’re here now!
Ken: It’s because I’m getting closer to this person…
Shadow Ken: Are you the idiot who wants to be killed?

As follows, this team is Ken heavy with a little Koro support, so not as totally sweet as it could be, but having a bigger body to hit on Koromaru probably lends itself to some more balance. I wonder if he’ll also get a shadow form.

But that’s not all! Atlus also loosed a trailer for Golden Arena mode. You pick a character, you pick a support character, you level up, and gain new skills through repeated battles. On the surface, it reminds me of the special mode in Continuum Shift Extend where you had to descend a tower while picking up stat boosts to make your character stronger. I wonder if you’ll unlock any goodies by playing it like costumes.