Archive for the Videos Category

The “Final Ultimate” Super Robot Wars F Coffin of the End PV 1

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/22 by doublegomez

That’s right, Banpresto really doesn’t know how to not be in the middle of making a Super Robot Wars game. This time their ending off the Masou Kishin series with a game that has an obsurdly full title, Super Robot Wars OF Saga: The Lord of the Elemental F Coffin of the End, or SRWOGF for short, or whatever other shortening of the title you want to call it by. Here’s the PV:

So does anyone else feel like the fighting is just really off? I know that they want to try new things from time to time, but with the way the animations look here it’s really weird. It’s like they’re going for a faux 3d prerendered/hand drawn look and it just doesn’t work because the movement doesn’t flow as well and the various robots don’t feel like they are actually connecting when one hits another. This is a really big issue because the main draw of SRW has always been the aesthetic which as time goes on has been less about getter and mazinger fighting together and more about making totally sweet battle animations. It’s the reason SRW is so popular and well, if that’s not present it’s actually more so a really hard and repetitious RPG.

Either way, this is definitely worth a look because it’s both the end of a saga and a bit of an experiment. Plus you get Masaki Andoh and Shu Shirakawa fighting together alongside the entire Ra-gaes group from the other Masou Kishin games, which is always good.

Look forward to Super Robot Wars F Coffin of the End coming out for PS3 on august 28th.


PV? More Like PunV! … なんちゃって! Shō Minazuchi P4A USH PV!

Posted in Persona, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/05/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

PUNS, MOTHERFUCKER, PUNS! Translation courtesy of ANN:

Shō: Your peaceful days are over because of the red fog? I haven’t the foggiest! Well of “corpse” I want to turn everyone into corpses! Just kidding! Hey. Come on. Laugh.
Shō: Oh, do I need a self-introduction? My name is “Sho Minazuki.” I’m the mastermind behind this incident. Welcome, everyone… To my world.
Shō: Well, you’ve been identified as welcome to this unidentified showtime! Just kidding!
Shō: I told you, right? I’m going to break everything. Things like bonds? Don’t make me laugh! I can smash those things with a single button!
Shō: Shut up shut up shut up! I’m going to break everything inside of you!
Narrator: The flawless dual sword-user! The law-breaking pun machine! Sho Minazuki!
Shō: What’s this about the power of bonds!? It’s just an excuse for weak guys to gather all together, right!?
Shō: All of you can just disappear! I want to be alone forever!
Shō: No matter how hard you guys fight back, you can’t win!

You have a very normal anime bad guy quality in the “friends are bullshit” thing, Shō. That’s a little disappointing because I’d heard that this character was supposed to have some DIO in him. I didn’t see it in the PV, either in how he acts or the way he fights, so maybe it just didn’t come across.

Still, puns. I may have a kindred spirit in this guy.

Zelda Musou PV 1

Posted in Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/20 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ok, so we all agree that this is really weird, right? The Musou series is usually an acceptable template for any property to get a quick game out, and they’re always ok. It can be amusing to play with a friend for a bit. We spent some fun, dazed nights with the Gundam set. But Zelda? Zelda already is a game, and this is a huge shift in what those games are. So I think it’s safe to say that this is a little weird.

I have an idea as to why, though. There’s a certain part of Nintendo that wants to run with the Zelda timeline thing, and there’s a gap way at the front as described by Skyward Sword‘s back story that can be filled with a game. I’m guessing because the Link here looks similar in design to the Link from Akira Himekawa’s Skyward Sword manga with some color and clothing specific design differences that can be explained away by different creative control. That Link is supposed to be the Hero of the War in SS’s back story, and a War lends itself more to beating up tons of baddies rather than dungeon exploration. Whether or not that will be the game’s story and whether or not that would make any sense is an exercise for later.

But it should be fine to play can move on from going, “Wait, what” over and over into the PV. Musou games rarely have much depth, but a game can be fun in a dumb way. The moves look satisfying to use, though repeated usage will probably wear that down. They might be able to dodge that bullet by giving Link his usual giant inventory to bolster the combo list.

My biggest question at the moment is what other characters there are to use. This magazine spread:

has what looks like some form of Impa and a few other characters. It also says “Story” but the only part big enough for me to read is “A New Adventure Begins.” Certainly there are other characters to pull up or make up for this game. I do hope we’re not limited to the Hero party. If I’m wrong about the story, I want to play as Ganon so I can spin a trident and shoot flaming birds at people. Now that would be satisfying.

Zelda Musou will launch in Japan on August 14th.

(Image from Yaraon. This also came along with a spread announcing Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Coffin of the End. We’ll get back to you on that when there’s a PV for it)

Being a Giant Axe Wielding Robot Makes School Elections Lopsided. P4A USH Labrys PV!

Posted in Persona, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/05/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Translation courtesy of ANN:

Labrys: If we don’t win the P-1 Climax in one hour, the world will be destroyed…
Labrys: Is Mitsuru safe?
Labrys: Just what do you want to do…?
Labrys: That means it was all planned from the beginning.
Labrys: I remember now. The reason I’m able to fight right here, right now is because of everyone in my heart!
Labrys: I’ll protect this world that I met everyone in!
Narrator: The Chain Knuckle of chaos within public morals. Student council president of Hachi High School: Labrys!
Labrys: This reading… It’s the same as me!
Labrys: Just what are you? I’m going to have you tell me, right now!
Labrys: I’m going to protect everyone.
Labrys: I’m sick of having people getting hurt!
Shadow Labrys: Revenge… There’s nothing else besides that, right?

With Labrys, I specifically wonder about her Shadow because her shadow was already a character. Storywise, like with all the other characters, it won’t be the shadow character herself because that would make having persona confusing. I wonder if they’ll throw in a callback or two, though.

P4A2 launches in Japan on August 28th, so in the States sometime maybe around the holidays?

MTAC 2014 All Guest Interviews by Heavy Metal Hobbit!

Posted in Conventions, Interviews, MTAC, MTAC 2014, Press Coverage, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

I told you there’d probably be more MTAC material. It’s just lucky that someone out there is better at this than us and made a whole lot more. The crew of Heavy Metal Hobbit was nice enough to share all the interviews they did with 7 of the special guests for this years convention, and they are comprehensive. The shortest one is Chii Sakurabi’s at 15 minutes with others reaching close to 40 minutes. Give them an audience. They did a lot of hard work.

Who Has to Swing the Bat? The Man! P4A The Ultimatx Ultra Suplex Hold Junpei Iori PV!

Posted in Persona, Videos with tags , , , , on 2014/05/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

And Junpei persists in being the best P3 character. Seriously. I don’t care if I have no aptitude for playing him. I will always play Junpei because he, in a world of JRPG weapons like swords and bows, is fighting with a baseball bat. Those impacts are going to feel so good, and that juggle into the sky looks pretty fun. It’s like Kanji and his folding chair but totally sweet. I know what I said.

Oh, and if you’d like to know what’s being said, there’s a way. There’s no sub version, but ANN’s story on this video has it. Directly quoted:

Junpei: I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble all the time… I’m like this, but… Please marry me, Chido-!! Ah… No way… It was a dream…
Junpei: Ah, Ya-so I-na-ba, huh… Wait, where is this!?
Junpei: Ah! That “everyday young life” thing! (a reference to the Japanese Junes theme)
Junpei: Who are you calling a mob character! And whoa, Yukari-cchi is horrific!
Junpei: I’m Junpei Iori, head of the Shadow Walkers!
Junpei: I’ll take this on!
Narrator: Simply simple AAA simply easy-going ta-ta-ta! The super-speed full-power racing slugger! Junpei Iori!
Junpei: Is this… a Shadow? So this really is the Dark Hour?
Junpei: Wait, Feather Pink! We can talk this out! It’s dangerous to point that kind of thing at people-!
Junpei: Well then, it looks like it’s time for Junpei Iori Hour!
Shadow Junpei: OK, Game Over time. Too bad.

What sort of hidden pain will you be taunted with Junpei? Will it be about Chidori? My favorite moment in P3 came about because of a pain like that, so I’m looking forward to this.

Looking at JoJo’s from a Fresh Perspective

Posted in JoJo's Year, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/05/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Do you consider yourself a JoJo’s aficionado? If you’re here, then you probably do on some level. There’s a lot that we in even in this fairly self aware fandom, as in all fandoms, have just come to accept. So it’s worthwhile to appreciate someone looking at it from the start. Sometimes those are bigger deal people like this little video from Giant Bomb on the new English release of ASB. Well, “little” is a misnomer with this being an hour. It’s all just a little testing ground of the game. You’ll see a lot of Jonathan since he’s probably the easiest to pick up on the fly. Also the English. Some of them, like the above, are creative, let’s call it.

Like normal, the site is giving me crap about embedding something not from YouTube, so you can follow the link here to see it. Give it a look. It’s an interesting experience. And don’t take it too seriously.

Let’s Go Again! Let’s Go Again! Persona 4: The Golden Animation PV 1!

Posted in Anime Seasons, Persona, Summer 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/05/02 by OnePixelJumpMan

Once more with feeling, huh? The return of one of the few exceptions to the “video game to anime adaptations are bad” rule in it’s spiffy updated form. Not just a remake, this one is going to have the goods from Golden if Marie is anything to go by. So get ready for bike dates and a ski trip with what looks like a better budget this time. Seriously. Look at all the effort they put into the paper fluttering around scene.

Persona 4: The Golden Animation is coming to you this July.

That Aikurou at MTAC Solved the Nipple Problem. Now How Do We Solve the Other Glow’s Problem?

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/04/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

These are the official Kill la Kill glitter pants, or leggings/tights as they seem to be in the modeling video, as released by Felissimo alongside their host of other KlK products like the false nails and scissor sword pendant.

They are intended to be worn with a skirt being labeled as tights, but there’s a reason you may wear them alone.

Yes, it would a be shame to show off your fandom of choice without getting into the spirit of having a big glowing, pink groin. There’s a closeup of the material, and it is thick enough for these to be really tight pants. So if you’ve ever wanted to spice up your yoga routine or just be the best host ever to people coming to your home, you have the ability.

You can order the pants for ~¥3,000 here.


Destructive Power: A. Speed: A. Range: A. Precision: A. Durability: A. Potential: A. B-Ballin’: Infinite

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2014/04/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

You know, admiring the music is fine, I suppose, but the effort put into the visuals in this video is the impressive part here. I didn’t even know there would be this many pictures to pull from to make all of this. Then there’s Polnareff going for the side throw. I think I want to say I’m surprised.

And just for completion’s sake.

And I said I would post this when it came up, so have that too.