Archive for Akira Konno

Samurai Flamenco Episode 22 “Samurai Flamenco, Naked!!” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Samurai Flamenco, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/03/26 by OnePixelJumpMan


The sound of a single gunshot. Haiji has captured Goto to get to Hazama because he wants Hazama to be the hero once more. He also keeps teasing Goto about his girlfriend. Yes. To know I exist, I will be true evil! And he will find what it is he’s been looking for. It’s finally time for the climax of The Legend of Samurai Flamenco!

Are you ready for the end? Is there going to be a final twist? Based on the pictures, who is the real focus? It looks like a lot of this might actually be about Goto.

In the end times, it’s time get something new. Most of the staff are returners. Kurata is writing, Suganuma is storyboarding, Manabu Nii, Michio Hasegawa, Masahiro Yamanaka, Toshie Kawamura, and Masaki Takasaka are animation directing, and Inutsuma Inukawa is directing. But Inukawa is not directing alone. He’s being joined by Takahiro Omori who you may know as one of the main directors of Baccano! and Durarara!! Now that’s a pedigree. Bring it on home, guys!

(Images from © Fuji TV, Manglobe, Aniplex, and Project Samumenco.)

Samurai Flamenco Episode 18 “Flamenco in Space” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Samurai Flamenco, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

With the revival of the Flamenco Girls, the battle with the prime minister has been defeated. But! The Diet’s true objective, who they really wanted to put down, was not Masayoshi and the world’s heroes. It was his rival, Cosmic Flamenco! All the world’s governments start secretly deciding the next target is Japan! With Masayoshi’s team being thoroughly confused, Cosmic Flamenco prepares to negotiate with “Samurai Flamenco.”

You know, I was kidding with the MGR thing last time. I really didn’t think it’d go that far. I think I might be too naïve. Anyway, Kurata’s on the script. Storyboards are by Miyana Okita, a storyboarder from Date-a-Live. Director is an interesting person being that there’s so little on him. Inutsuma Inukawa, if I’m reading that right, was an ED on Gantz and Ouran. 5 ADs again. I want to say this show has the highest density of animation direction I’ve seen since I started paying attention to the credits of anime. Our returning ADs are Manabu Nii, Michio Hasegawa, Emi Hirano and Masahiro Yamanaka. Our new blood is Kazuyuki Igai, someone with a huge amount of works in AD and Key that one or two examples will do no justice.

Oh, and as a side note, when the synopsis refers to Cosmic Flamenco, it uses フラメンコ星人/Flamenco-seijin. I assume then that there will at some point be some sort of Flamenco Planet. The ultimate evil plan may be to crash it somehow only into Japan. That or there just are already Flamencoians, and I’m misreading the context.

(Images from © Fuji TV, Aniplex, Manglobe, and Project Samumenco)

Samurai Flamenco Episode 17 “The Strongest Prime Minister” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Samurai Flamenco, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

Masayoshi goes to Goto as his last, final, ultimate resort, and he’s relieved that Goto just welcomes him in with no question despite him being Public Enemy #1 with pursuers hot on his tail. The two are being chased down, but they’ll show their strength when backed into a corner. The Flamengers have been framed as criminals. The citizens are giving more and more support for the Prime Minister. It’s time for Masayoshi to go up and kick the Diet Building’s door in.

This is my entire commentary on where my mind goes thinking about this:

I wasn’t going to say it until that last picture with the punch burning with Flamenco spirit, but that combined with whatever happened to Aoshima leads me straight to this. I don’t know that that would be a good thing for the show to do, but it is what it is.

We’ve got the big team again. Our old guys are screenwriter Takahiro, director Yusuke Onoda, and ADs Akane Umezu, Yuuji Hakamada, Hitomi Hasegawa, Saka Ikeda, and Akane Umezu. Our new guy is storyboarder Atsushi Wakabayashi, a storyboarder on a few things like Hell Girl and Noein but also a key animator on Mad Bull 34 and Violence Jack 3, and AD. Now that’s a reason to hope. For what I don’t know. I guess it depends on how comfortable you are with this show having a punch that blows someone up.

(Images from © Fuji TV, Aniplex, Manglobe, and Project Samumenco)

Samurai Flamenco Episode 9 “Don’t Resist Normality” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Samurai Flamenco, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/12/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

This episode is going to have moments where it gets kinda cool.

And this episode’s going to have moments where it gets kinda awkward.

And that’s not even the uncomfortable picture of Flamenco Girl. Based on the arrangement, I’m guessing we have another cyborg gorilla moment coming up, and I can’t I’m saying that in anything other than the highest excitement. This show’s… something.

You can see the rest over on Yaraon.

Samurai Flamenco Episode 6 “Arrest Samurai Flamenco!” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Samurai Flamenco, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/11/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

That sign says “Sweet Home.” I wonder if that’s a reference.

Flamenco Girl has gotten a POWER UP! in the form of her “Flamenco Girls.” Their everyday actions of justice and entertainemtn are going amazingly. On the other hand, Samurai Flamenco can only run aimlessly around town. The very citizens he works to protect turn against him as mobs. Only Goto can come to aid, but those words echoing in his mind only drive Hazama further into a corner. “Samurai Flamenco. …very soon, you’ll be no more.”

Hideyuki Kurata is not part of this episode. Instead, our screenwriter is named simply Takahiro in katakana, who has only ever done screenwriting on They are My Noble Masters. Storyboard is done by Eiji Suganuma, who has done storyboard on a few things that I’d rather not mention, so I’m going to say he did key animation on Doomed Megalopolis, Gunbuster, Diebuster, and Gurren Lagann. Our director is Yusuke Onoda, and episode direction is all he does. He’s got a lot of big shonen credits like Needless and Naruto and Fairy Tail. We’ve got two ADs. Masaki Yamada who was the lead AD for Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 and did a few episodes of Samurai Champloo. Kumiko Takayanagi who was an animator on Metropolis. Now that I like the sound of.

(Images from © Fuji TV, Aniplex, Manglobe, and Project Samumenco.)