Archive for All Star Battle Characters

Our Magificence Cannot be Limited to a Single Page! The Dio Brando and Pucci Super Spread!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Oh, that’s just beautiful. You look so good Pucci, and so do all your stands. Not that we should be surprised, but you get stand discs, and they work somewhat like Rohan’s writing power. I’m hoping that isn’t not that you twitch when you try to move, but rather that it locks you to only using very basic attack. There’s also something about stealing powers, but it’s pointing at C-Moon when it says that. Stairway works as you’d expect. Using his power makes the opponent slow to a crawl due to Pucci’s perception. It’s like how Diavolo worked in the Part 5 game, but that is how Pucci fought with Stairway.

Oh, and Dio. He’s pretty well done. He has his freezing power, but he also has his ability to suck blood. If you freeze a character, you can drain them dry and replenish your own health. He also gets Space Ripper Stingy Eyes. That may result in some spamming, but I don’t mind because I love the name. Go nuts with it.

Actually click the pictures this time to see the HQ versions. I posted the Japanese versions, but the linked versions are the translations from the JoJo Forums. The vampire in the bottom of Dio’s page has something fun to say.

Less PV, More ASB Info. Josuke’s Movelist and a Few Announcements

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/05/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

New set of ASB info. First up is Josuke’s moveset and command list. It’s already been lovingly translated by Hurricane Crew Tumblr, so I’ll just quote him:

Josuke Moveset translations:

Now I’m fucking pissed off

【Command Normals】
My fist won’t fall short again! (Only during “I won’t forgive anyone who talks shit!” Mode)
*OTG attack
(While in body mode)
To get next to you, I’d go at 300 km/h!

(While in stand mode)
【Special Moves】
(While in body mode)
I’ll cut you up!
Mend and retu~rn! (Performed during “Doraa!”)
I’ll aim reliably

(While in stand mode)
*Stand Rush capable
I’ll put you to sleep!
The speed of 「Healing」!
*Stand Rush capable

【Heart Heat Attack】
You finally entered…my effective range…
This is my 「Homing Bullet」… (Performed during “You finally entered…my effective range…”)

【Great Heat Attack】
I’ve already healed you
Mode Change
I won’t forgive anyone who talks shit!
*Requires 1 stock of Heart Heat

This game has the best move names period. I’m pretty sure Josuke’s mode change is based on anger over his hair. If Rohan were to be in this game, which would surprise me, I’d love to see a detail where his drawing abilities don’t work on Josuke while he’s in that state. That would be super broken but a nice detail.

Second, a big block of new info came down from an ASB event. It got posted to the Dust Loop forums, so I’ll quote it directly:

No PV at the event, but they said there will be one next month.

The demo over the weekend is an updated version of the one from 2/16, no newer characters were added to it. There’s not much to it but a source from 2ch should be making a report about it soon.

Details from the show. To be clear, they referred to this show as a “talk show”.

The next new character reveals will be from Part 2 and Part 4.

Seeing as how it’s “All Star”, a lot of content from every Part will be in the game.

All of the playable characters are finished, they’re now in the final Bug Checking phase of development.

The next PV will show the culmination of everything up to this point. (meaning all of what we’ve seen, not the full game)

The Director was saying “It’s fun to get reactions from people when I pick this or that character.” (Just trying to explain the excitement you feel when selecting characters to show off)

Details on new characters will appear in Jump and Ultra Jump at least once every month.

The system is very much like JoJo (cryptic)

Work on the project originally began 7 years ago. 😀

I totally get the “fun reactions when I pick this character” from the director. I imagine that would be half the amusement you’d get out of working on the game. The character reveal schedule was like I figured, one a month until the game is released. There might be some after the official release if they balk on having all the characters finished and decided to make more for DLC. To that end, I’m surprised that more characters are coming from Part 4. I’m not with Part 2 because going heavy from there makes sense with the anime and all, I expect Cars and hope Stroheim, but I thought the Part 4 roster was already pretty robust at five characters. I mean, I’m happy to see more and all, I was just expecting the other parts to get fleshed out a little more. I wonder who it’ll be. Highway Star and Yuuya could be good. That was one of the best fights in Part 4. I guess we should see later into this month.

“Where is there lightning on my game?” Koichi Hirose and Akira Otoshi Confirmed for All Star Battle!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

Now here’s an announcement I can really sink my teeth into. According to this snippet from Remoon, the most recent Jump has confirmed both Koichi Hirose and Akira Otoshi for ASB.There are currently no other preview pictures, that image up there is part of a fanart of Koichi and Josuke from around the internet, but the V-Jump spread page should be along relatively soon.

Good. The Part 4 cast was lacking with only 2, technically 3. It renews my hopes for Bruno to be a playable character. Hopefully we’ll progress up through the parts that have fewer characters to flesh out the game a little more. As it stands, Parts 1, 5, 6, and 7 each only have two characters where Part 2 now has 4, Part 3 has almost since the beginning had 6, and Part 4 now has 4, technically 5. We are already sitting on a decently amount of characters for the game, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see how they’d work Stairway to Heaven into a move.

(Sourced from Gematsu. Thanks for posting it, JoJo thread)

JoJolion Josuke, Yoshikage Kira, and All Star Battle’s Release Date!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

Damn it, V-Jump. You beat me to the All Star Battlion thing. Anyway, yes, the JoJolion Protagonist, who I’ve been calling JoJolion Josuke though he seems to also go by Gappy Joestar in some circles, has been confirmed for ASB. There’s a lot of clutter going on in this issue, but if you look on the left of the page, you can see him launching the soap bubble and some ORAORAORA going on. They’re both ultras, and I’m very interested in what the soap bubble will do as a gameplay mechanic. DG and I were discussing that it might do something like lock some of the other person’s controls for a few seconds, like the X button doesn’t do anything until the effect wears off. I guess we’ll see.

If you can see him down there in the corner, regular Kira and Killer Queen seem to have also been confirmed, though they will be DLC only (edit: there’s a bit of speculation that it may be a unique Kira costume based on his later Part 4 look but that Kira will still be in the game proper.) He doesn’t have any information about how her works in the game other than that he’s there, but we got an extra spread about Johnny when he seemed to be snubbed last time, so I’m sure V-Jump will throw us a bone soon.

But the biggest news on here is the date under Battlion. August 29th, 2013 is the confirmed Japanese release date of All Star Battle. Now, that doesn’t tell us anything about a western release. We still need to hope for that when CC2 has their shocking announcement on the 16th, but if that announcement turns sour, we know when we can start trying to import it or at least start seeing some YouTube videos. There will be a special edition and a regular edition. The special edition will come with a figurine of Jotaro and Star Platinum, the soundtrack disc, and a special drawing by Araki himself. You can see all that stuff there at the bottom. Also, the first run of both the standard and special edition copies will come with free promo codes to download Kira and the Hayato Kawajiri Memo Book. I have no idea what the memo book will be, but it’s may help you not blow up if you find out about any dark secrets after playing the game.

Ninja Storm and All-Star Battle Special Event with a Shocking Announcement!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

Oh, man. CyberConnect2’s twitter finally has something interesting again.

That link will take you to the special BandaiNamco page for the event, and you can follow that to the JoJo specific page here since I imagine that’s what most people reading this are after.

The information at this point is very vague with no concrete content announcements. This is a small venue by tickets only, obviously held in Japan. There will be press, so we should be getting video footage of the goings on soon after the 16th. The big, teasing blurbs locked away in there are that ASB will have a new playable character, I’m not sure if that’s a new playable character that hasn’t been announced in V-Jump or if it’s a new character from the demo we saw however long ago that was, and that there will be a “shocking announcement.” It’s such an important “shocking announcement” that it gets mentioned four or so times. I have no idea what that could be, but a big, surprising announcement about ASB released at a special event a few weeks before launch? We could be getting a western release announcement.

It’s tentative now, but that special announcement is in 11 days. Hope for the best! We’ll keep you posted.

White Horses with Pink Tusks: A Little More Johnny Joestar

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

Did anyone else feel like Johnny was kind of a footnote in the last ASB magazine spread despite that he’s a major character?

This scan was posted by a guy named Ankh Yui on his Twitter.

Man, I don’t remember Tusk being that pink. I always thought Tusk was a blue and gray color set and would look more mechanical, but I also thought Stone Free would be green, so what do I know?

You can see a few of Tusk’s different forms in use. Act 4 all the way on the right looks like it’s part of a scene, so it may be Ultra Only, but Act 3 is being used in standard combat. That might mean it’s a power up Ultra or maybe Johnny will be able to upgrade his strength over the course of a match. If you’ve ever played Marvel vs. Capcom 3, think of Frank West’s leveling up skill.

Not too much for Johnathan and Will, though that one picture of Johnathan looks like he’s going to fuck someone up. There was a translation of the last spread floating around somewhere and Johnathan’s best ultra is supposed to be the On Fire Fist. That picture is probably him gearing up for it. Will just gets to be in the bottom, but maybe we’ll get another spread where it’s Johnny and Will up top and Johnathan at the bottom so all the characters have gone in a full circle.  Or we could just get another full Famitsu article with all the pictures of everything. That’d be good too.

(Thanks to JoJo’s Tumblr for finding the guy who found the guy who posted this on his Twitter. And thanks to those guys too.)

A Few Johns and a Fabulous Hat! Johnathan, Will, and Johnny in All-Star Battle

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Look who’s here. I knew that Johnny was going to be in this, but it’s good to see him on magazine paper riding Slow Dancer. It’s hard to see because of the glare, but right next to him you can see him getting ready to fire a fingernail bullet as what looks like part of an ultra. Since it shows him on Slow Dancer, I’m not sure if he’ll have a move to be on horseback like we’ve seen with Gyro, and if he does, whether or not this will be the way for him to use Tusk Act 4. Maybe it’ll be like Giorno and act like a power up ultra.

His confirmation along side Will Zeppeli and Johnathan means that we are going to get our intercontinuity showdowns. Who was the best mentor Zeppeli: Will or Gyro? Who was the best Caeser: Caeser or Caeser but the other one? What is stronger: Stretchy Arms (And man look at that Zoom Punch) or Fingernails powered by vegetables? We can finally know the answers.

Speculation aside, it’s good to see these characters on board. Johnathan and Will will have the same voices from The Animation, and Johnny will be voiced by Yuki Kaji. These magazine spreads have always been followed by a Famitsu special article, so look forward to that and hopefully a new PV soon.

(Thanks to Yaraon for posting the original picture. Thanks to Drakonia Tumblr for the higher quality scan)