Archive for All-Star Battle Gameplay

The First Voice Acting Comes Installed, but all Additions will be ~$6

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

This is a little webshow run by Asami Imai called “Sing Song Gamer.” Imai is a voice actress and you may remember her name mentioned as the actress for Sex Pistols in ASB. This little show was a few minutes of her flipping out listening to the voice acting as the game is being played. For us who don’t speak much if any Japanese, it acts as more “gameplay” footage. It’s still CPU battles, but more footage is at least something, and the voice acting is pretty good.

Speaking of, there’s some news from across the blog ocean in Japan. I was right in my guess that Fatty was going to be DLC, and he’s the first of many. Some news came in from mikestrider on the JoJo Forums. Directly quoted:

Shigekiyo is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi
Shigekiyo DLC will be purchaseable on launch for 600 Yen

The opening movie of the game is reportedly great. It reproduces scenes from the manga, with the in-game engine. It’s hard to tell sometimes if it’s in-game models or anime art. They apparently took about 4 months of production time to make the opening movie.

The article focuses a bit on the Secret Missions of Story Mode as a new gameplay element.

There will be more characters to announce in the near future.

They plan to have many more “tricky” and “technical” characters to balance out the variety of gameplay.

So Diego isn’t out of the running yet, CC2 is probably just keeping him in the DLC box that can only be unlocked with the money key. I don’t know if every character that they plan will be $6, but if you wait long enough, you may be able to get them all as a package deal. That, or there will be a All Super Star Battle with all the new characters. Foreign DLC is a beast, I’ve heard, so settle in for the long haul. Or, whoever knows or figures it out please post a tutorial. Either or.

On top of that, there are other parts burning about character count. The JoJo F2C mentions a conversation about there being an intended 8 representatives per part as the character roster, save for JoJolion for obvious reasons. There’s another note that says the full package, DLC and all, will have 50+ total characters. At eight per part up to seven parts, that’s fifty-seven when including JoJolion Josuke. Sounds like a plan to me, though who they can pull out of Part 1 to make a full on eight I’m not sure. Oh well. If they fall short, they can always dip into the deep reservoir of stand users in Parts 3 – 7. I know there’s a distinct void in the cast waiting to be filled by someone who will then become a void again.

More news soon, I’m sure. ASB League did something recently, but I haven’t seen any footage of it yet.

All-Star Battle Gameplay Shots 2! The Emeperor Can’t Strike a Pose; It’s a Gun

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Just like with the last preview shots of All-Star Battle, Famitsu comes through for us again with quality shots and gameplay pictures of All-Star Battle’s newest announced characters.

Dio and The World

Abdul and Magician’s Red

Hol Horse and The Emperor

The upclose shot makes it all the more apparent how fabulous Magician’s Red is. I mean, naturally growing feather pants and what I think may be go go boots. They don’t really compare to Dio’s striped elf shoes, but feather pants. I’m also impressed with how accurate to the manga they made The Emperor.

When looking for a picture of manga The Emperor, I didn’t mean to find the actual reference picture.

Dio’s looking good, like you would expect, and everyone’s doing well in their gameplay pictures. If I’m seeing this right, Magician’s Red had retained it’s ability from the original fighting game to grab your face and make you blow up.

And his taunt lets him tell you exactly what he thinks of you.

Pfft. Couldn’t handle a little facial explosion. What a pussy.

Hol Horse gets to use a fellow Dio follower as an ultra. His ultimate attack is recreating Abdul’s “death” scene by summoning The Hanged Man.

I love how he looks like he’s shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know how I got here either, man.”

But did you really come to see Hol Horse and J. Geil, or did you come watch Dio throw hundreds of knives at Jotaro? And then a steam roller. And then punch the steamroller because a steamroller to the face isn’t enough to kill Jotaro.

This looks really weird when you take a still image of it.

And finally, we get a nice new battle map based on Dio’s lair from just before the final fights of Part 3. Considering that they’re doing the stage hazard thing, do you think Kakyoin blowing up the wall will be one? Maybe Vanilla Ice will run around the room and bump into you turning you into a mass of discarded limbs. Sounds unfair, so probably Kakyoin.

With all the gameplay images of All-Star Battle, I’m hoping we get some more Steel Ball Run characters soon because I think we’ve only seen Gyro up to this point. I want that Double Dio Madness Match I was talking about before.

(All images from as you can probably tell from their watermark)