Archive for All Star Battle PV 4

All Star Battle PV 4 Subbed! “I’ve taken the meaning out of your language.”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

I assumed you guys would be interested in knowing what they were saying. It helps me out. I didn’t know what it was JoJolion Josuke was doing during his Grand Heat, but the friction stealing is cool. Okuyasu calling Giorno names makes way more sense than insulting his topknot that he totally has. His classic style “uurrryyy” is also a nice touch.

(Thanks to JoJo Tumblr for being that chain link. You can see the original post here.)

The All Star Guide to All Star Battle and New ASB Move Lists

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Guys on the JoJo Forum go all out. User mikestrider is leading their ASB thread and has started the translation and preview efforts on a lot of fronts. It’s got all the preview videos plus the subbed PV 3, all the current Famitsu articles, demo videos, move lists as they become translated, all that good stuff. Recently, he added the initial parts of his translation of PV 4. Directly quoted:

Dedicated to all those who love JoJo.

It’s the birth of the ultimate JoJo Game.

The Dream Match that everyone has dreamed of.

Father & Daughter

Jotaro: Hey girl, are you a new Stand user?

Jolyne: Looks like you’ve lost some of your ability.

Jotaro: I don’t know you are but you’ve got quite the attitude.

Jolyne: It still feels like my father.

Gang & Delinquent

Giorno: I’m prepared to pave the way.

Okuyasu: Shut up, Topknot! *gestures* Look!

Avenger & Avenger

Hermes: What’re you doing, bastard!

Polnareff: The tip is quite sharp, huh?

Wind & Flame

Abdul: Flames are flawless.

Wham: Read the wind. Hear the whispers in the air.


Gun & Gun

Hol Horse: Let’s see which one of us is faster!

Mista: I’ll destroy that mouth of yours!

Mudamuda & Dorarara

DIO: That head of yours looks like cow shit.

Josuke: What was that about my head??!


Oh, Dio. If only you knew he danger pulling that against Josuke. I don’t really understand how Giorno’s hair equates out to a topknot, but it’s Okuyasu, so maybe I’m not supposed to.

Along with this is that there is a new Famitsu article. Now that we’ve gone through what are probably all the character reveals (if there are anymore, they’ll probably be DLC like Kira), we’re starting to get move lists.

This is Jotaro and Star Platinum’s move list. The other lists in the articles are for the first characters revealed for the game: Joseph, Wham, and Gyro.  I’m very encouraged by these lists because I didn’t know how the combos and controls would work. Seeing that they’re based on circle motions with the stick, Capcom-like, relieves me because that’s a command system I can do or at least understand.

I don’t know if these are full move lists. I feel like they might be a little scant, but these are only for special moves. There’s probably a lot more if you look into things like target combos and that sort of thing. Each character’s Heart Heat, Grand Heat, and Style Moves have been revealed. Wham gets two styles: One for Sandstorm protector, which probably gives him higher defense; one for Holy Sandstorm mode, which probably gives him higher attack.

Everyone’s Heat moves are about what you’d expect. Jotaro’s is especially hilarious because he has three different ORA listed and his Heart Heat is just ORAORAORAORA! But what’s nice is that the moves aren’t just generically named or that CC2 tried to come up with a cool name. Jotaro’s Grand Heat is “It’s Because You Really Pissed Me Off,” the move he killed Dio with. Joseph’s is “It’s a Deceptive Trick,” which is really just Joseph being Joseph. The lists are cool, and we’re only getting more.

Along with all the other information, he’s also posted all of the stages. I’m bringing up the Cairo Bridge, ripped straight from Heritage for the Future, because I don’t think I have before and the stage hazard is awesome.

The only thing that can improve this is if there’s an accompanying one where Dio throws the Senator at you.

There’s also a quick shot of the Prize Star Book, a book with gameplay basic, alternate colors, taunts, that sort of thing, which is a translation in progress, and a quick shot of the PS3 custom theme that comes with ASB. Get Dio all over your TV. He wouldn’t want it any other way.

So it’s a pretty good comprehensive info dump on ASB. Check it out for even more information. I know I will be.

(Thanks to Goon Kurtofan for cross posting this)

All Star Battle PV 4! Father vs. Daughter, Gun vs. Gun, Vampire vs. Pompadour, RERO vs. RELA

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Yeah, that’s the way to do it. Can we agree that we’re coming into ASB with a little “who’d win in a fight” mentality? The moment Mista and Hol Horse were both set to be in the game, I was thinking about who has the better gun stand. But the stand out rivalry is obviously the all out cage match of Cherries vs. Cheese.

The gameplay that we got to see with the main showcase characters, Johnny, Johnathan, Will, and JoJolion Josuke are pretty interesting. I was wrong about what move I thought would be the On Fire Fist, but we knew it would be there. Zoom punch got my attention because it looks like it sticks for a second instead of retracting immediately. If it does, it could be really awesome for anti-air because an opponent could misjudge the time and still jump into it. Will also has it, so I await my match where we sit across the ring just doing that at each other.

Johnny looks like he’s either going to be the character that’s really hard to use because of his very limited movement when not on Slow Dancer but very rewarding if you can handle him or the character that caters to spamming because he’s going to be projectile heavy. That does follow; his power was shooting his fingernails, but I don’t want that to mean he’ll be the back-up-and-shoot-you character.

JoJolion Josuke I think is going to be the trap/counter character with that all based around the soap bubble. I’ve got to give CC2 some credit for what they used for his moves because you see him using a bunch of soap bubbles as a barrier around his body like the shaving scene. He also does that at a distance, but I’m mostly interested in when the screen goes black. That specific bubble will steal the players’ “eyes” by blacking the screen so whoever’s JoJolion Josuke can get a free hit. That’s going to be really hard to use for human player because it blanks the screen, but there may be more to it than what’s in the PV.

Oh, and Kira. He has Sheer Heart Attack, but that’s all they’re telling us. I figured he would also be a counter/trap character because of the way Another One Bites the Dust works and all the bombs, but it’s not in the PV. At this point, I think we can be clear that Kira is DLC only. The way he’s rolled in with the Hayato Memo Book and the specific mention of PSN in the text on the still intro page (edit: and that he’s listed as such on the official character page.) You gotta buy him extra. If you don’t want to mess with getting foreign DLC, you might want to import fast.