Archive for ASB Special Dialgoues

Find Who You Have Something to Say to and Group Up! Every ASB Special Dialogue!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

All right. This isn’t the end, but this is probably the biggest thing. That video the first of three exhibition videos of every special fight dialogue throughout all of ASB. The second part is through this link, the third part is through this link. This is story pairs, unique pairs, and mirror matches. These videos themselves do not have subs, but ambitious fan mayoday has translated every piece of dialogue from Johnathan vs. Zeppeli all the way to Fugo vs. Diavolo. I’m not going to quote everything like I would normally because the list is tremendous, but follow the links and read away. There’s a lot of creativity that went into both who can have special dialogue and what people say. For instance:

Hol Horse vs Hermes

Hol Horse: I’m the world’s nicest man to women

Hermes: Oh my god!

Hol Horse: I respect women

Hermes: Shut up, you booger!

Rohan vs Kira

Rohan: Damn serial killer. I’ll take your “reality” for myself.

Kira: The mangaka…. Kishibe Rohan…?

Rohan win: You’re too abnormal, I can’t use you as material for my manga…

Kira win: Looks like I won’t be able to read any new series of yours again

Narancia vs Diavolo

Narancia: I…I’ll do it! I’ll blow you away even if you are the boss!

Diavolo: His radar is a nuisance… I’ll have to definitely get rid of him…

Narancia win: I didn’t really get what the boss’s ability was but… I won so there’s no problem!

As I am secretly five, there’s something that really amuses me about Hermes calling Hol Horse a booger, and I would have never thought of Kira as being a manga person. It’s also cute to see Narancia understanding King Crimson the way I knkow a lot of people have over the years. It’s a fun thing to read, so watch the videos and read along. Also, keep in mind that Diavolo always becomes Doppio at the end of a fight, so that’s why there’s no winning dialogue for him.