Archive for ASB Story Modes

No, You’re Supposed to Punch Me in the Knee, then Ripple to the Left Elbow.

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/02 by OnePixelJumpMan

YT Channel VEpicAGE has been uploading a complete run of ASB’s story mode. This is good on two levels. For anyone who doesn’t have the game, you can now see the story mode to completion to see what it’s like. It is not translated, unfortunately, but your memory of the fights will help you remember what’s going on for everything before Part 8. For everyone who has the game, this functions as a guide to Secret Missions, which I know I sorely needed. I wasn’t able to embed the whole playlist, but the first video is of the Phantom Blood storyline. This link will take you to the playlist. The second is the ENEMY version where you play as the opponents of the normal version. This link will take you to that playlist. Marvel as JoJolion Josuke kicks the shit out of every previous protagonist, and then behold as they conspire to get their sequential revenge.

And after that, I was wrong. There’s still plenty of compilations to go through with the game. In the time since I said there shouldn’t be any left with current characters, there’ve been three more major ones and a minor one. The minor one is that video with Part 3 Dio’s unique dialogue. Someone was nice enough to translated it, so directly quoted:

PB Dio vs. DIO:

DIO: I suppose it could be interesting to test my stand on my past self…

PB Dio: A stand you say… Interesting… let’s test it out!

PB Dio Win: Stand huh… I was a little surprised but after actually fighting it, it’s no problem at all!

DIO Win: Dehydrating freezing huh… a nostalgic move…

Giorno vs DIO

DIO: Who are you…? You seem similar to me, DIO, but also very different…

Giorno: I was waiting… for a time like this to come….

Giorno Win: I will use the power I inherited from you to fulfill my dream

DIO Win: …You… I like you…

Pucci vs DIO

DIO: If you turn my “The World” into a disk and take it, you can become a king. Do it…

Pucci: Where will you end up? I want to see it through, till the end.

DIO win: I never thought I would meet someone who could put me at ease just by talking… I was afraid of losing you…

Pucci win: I love you as I love God

Jonathan vs DIO

Jonathan: C…could it be! N…no way! Dio is! Alive…

DIO: A chance meeting that transcends time I suppose…. JOJOOOO…!

DIO win: My friend, your body will now be able to exist with my future!

Jonathan win: Dio… now it’s really over…

There’s tons of unique dialogues like that. Case in point, there’s three other compilations, one of which is dialogue based. This is a video of unique conversation between characters cross parts other than Dio. A lot of them are Polnareff and the Part 5 cast. Actually, Polnareff has a unique dialogue for every Part 5 character. He’ll probably end up having one with Fugo that’s making fun of that they never met.

Then there’s this one that has all the Stage Hazards. I’m very grateful for the ability to turn these off. Building on that, there’s this one which is all the different positions characters take when they get hooked by Beach Boy. Watching everyone pop to their defeated pose after bouncing off the train wall is pretty funny, but the poses they take are just silly. I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them were references considering the game, but I don’t recognize them. I particularly like Koichi’s because he looks like he’s just as frustrated with what’s happening as he is in pain.

Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s tons more where this came from, and I’m sure they’ll end up translated at some point.

ASB PV 6 Full Subs

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

I had forgotten that someone would come along and sub the PV, but man am I appreciative. There’s a lot of small nuance to be picked up here and there. I had no idea that Abbacchio would be the one in charge of replays or that Terrence would be the one showing off models. The little details like that really make me appreciate the effort put into the game even more. It’s an even better showing than I would have expected all the way around.

All Together Now! All Star Battle PV 6!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

I’m just going to say this now: Valentine fighting using an American flag may be the best thing this game has ever given us. Or, I guess you’d call it a Valentininan flag when he uses it? Regardless, that is easily my favorite aesthetic yet. I like things like the way Another One Bites the Dust pulls Hayato out of nowhere just so Kosaku can blow someone up, and I like that you go to space when time is accelerating beyond human perception into the realm only visible by gods, but there’s something special about the president pulling you into another dimension by slapping you with a flag. I also like the way he appears from it.

So here it is, the final stop before the game comes out. The new characters are the stars this time, flag, discs, frozen chunks of corpses, and time warping children bombs and all. We also get to see some situation finishes like the one at Dio’s Castle. Right at the end, we also see some of the menus. Story mode is of particular interest because it looks like you’re picking only from the main JoJo cast. If that is the case, I immediately go to that each character would follow the story of their own part, but the character roster isn’t geared towards that. If it works that way, Jolyne would have one fight with Pucci and maybe also a fight with Jotaro until the end. It’s just not enough, so I assume there’s more to it. I just don’t know why you’d have what looks to be like such a limited choice of characters for it then.

We saw the announcement characters and some alternate costumes. I don’t think the Darby Brothers need any introduction, but I’m happy to see Ringo Roadagain and Abbacchio. The most noticeable alternate costume is Johnathan’s, his green outfit he makes his most famous cover pose in. There were also some other ones, Josuke in something red, Joseph with a riding cape, and Jolyne in something fanserive looking, but most of those go by too fast for me to get a real beat on which outfits they are.

22 days. It’s almost right at our doorstep. I imagine there’s time for one more Famitsu special, and there’s also ASB League which I should be able to get you later today.