Archive for Attack on Titan Anime

TFS Special: Attack on Titan Abridged Episode 1

Posted in Attack on Titan, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/11/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

This was inevitable. Rather, a Titan Abridged was inevitable. In fact, that probably already existed before this video came out a few hours ago, but that there’s one being done by Team Four Star as headed by Takahata is better. You can judge it entirely on the strength of Sasha eating the potato, and that scene was good. Makes me happy to know “Sasha the Potato Girl” has become ubiquitous, which it probably did a long time ago without me noticing until now. Also, Reiner.

I don’t know if this going to end up like Hellsing Abridged and be an occasional thing just done when everyone feels like doing it or if it’s going to be a regular thing. I guess we’ll find out.

Attack on Titan Episodes 8 – 10 Blu-ray Comparisons

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Jean, you’re going too fast!

“So this is what it feels like. A plot device…”

Another set of Titan episodes up for the redraw table before they’re ready for the big blu-ray show. Most of the corrections you’re going to see are like these: facial corrections to tweak the ones that just didn’t look quite right. Most of them aren’t as drastic as the one with Jean, though you’ll still get ones of Eren being shifted to look angry and determined instead of getting ready to cut a bitch.

You still get a few like this where the two are totally disconnected. There’s a whole sequence before the lift gun fight where the TV version just has huge blanks where the BD version has the characters’ faces. They’re fewer and far between, though, and a lot of the corrections that aren’t faces are coloring or just adding a little detail.

You can check out the whole list of corrections over on Yaraon. They also have a bonus cosplay photo shoot with someone as the Female Titan and a guy tweeting about his 3D gear prop. Actually, these are presented as the bonus, so you’ll have to go look down the page.

The Full Titan 4Koma Collection Plus Fan Bonuses

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

It shouldn’t be too surprising, but the final episode preview pictures and synopsis on the Titan Anime site was quite late in actually being posted. It’s not a big deal since that episode was pre-screened in theaters, but the delay meant the delay of our 4koma. Well, not anymore. The final Titan 4koma is up and in the danbooru translation collection. As of writing, the translation itself isn’t up yet, but it should be soon. Now you can read the whole gag series start to finish.

Pretty sure Levi’s underwear there says “Humanity’s Strongest”

But if that’s not enough of the goofy side of Titan for you, the fans are here to help. Another in the long line of Titan Tweet Trends is fan comics. Not an abnormal one, so there’s plenty to go around.

And, yes, there are tons of comics about Eren and Levi’s manzai act. This is actually Part 1 of a 3 Part Series. Where did you even get that little cactus, Eren?

As would follow, they’re all in Japanese, but a lot of them are like this one where the text is really light or non-existent, and you can grasp what’s going on just with the images. It can get pretty fun.

You can check out the whole collection over on Naver. Fair warning that there may be some post anime spoilers. It may be worse if you can read Japanese, but I only noticed one or two that would be a problem otherwise, and you’ll have to do some good inference. Still, fair warning.

Damn it! Without Skin, You Made my Clothes all Sticky!

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s a hanger. Products are fun, huh? SC Mart created a small series of Titan character based clothes hangers in case you ever wanted to be freaked the hell out when sleepily pulling clothes out of your closet in the morning. Eren maybe not, and even the Mikasa one might not weird you out, but the Colossus Titan version is a little less wholesome. But having an Eren you can hang clothes on does have its advantages.

They’re, unfortunately, already gone. The price was at somewhere around $50 cut down to a less absurd ~$20, but that’s probably why they’re all gone. If you’re interested, you can keep an eye on their availability through the Amazon pages above or this one.

(Thanks to Yaraon for the story and the picture of Tea Time Eren.)

Attack on Titan Episode 25 Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Little girl!

I think you might want to get out of here!

You can see the rest over at Yaraon, though I would be wary if you haven’t seen the episode yet. If you have, I would especially if you didn’t watch to the end of the credits. I’m actually going to link the relevant .gif because the animation is hilarious, but you should watch the episode in its entirety before looking.

See you guys in December for Ilse’s Journal!

Looks Like I’ll Have to Use Both My Dusters on This One…

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/09/27 by OnePixelJumpMan

Gotta give people what they want, right? People want adorable little Colossus Titan? Good Smile is all over that stuff. People want the alternate cleaning outfit on their Levi figure? Animate’s got you covered. And I think is a fully alternate figure, too. The other figure that has Levi in the same pose in the same outfit, save the do-rag and scarf that’s usually a cravat, standing on the same rubble, but the normal figure has a different expression and a different grip because the sword grips are wider than dusters. But the jackets and belts are all in the same position.

If you’re interested in Levi being your personal maid-chan, you’re unfortunate out of luck for a little while. This version of the  figure doesn’t go on sale until January. You can keep an eye on its availability status at it’s Animate page. The figure will run for ¥9,240 (~$93.)

Onward, Connie, to Meat! All AoT Anime Endcards, some Fan Art, and MMA Comparisons

Posted in Attack on Titan, Fanworks, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

Almost to the end of our Titan anime roller coaster, at least until Ilse’s Journal comes out in December and whenever they’ll likely make the next season. Couple of things to round out as we approach the end, all compliments of various Naver digs. First up:

Someone was nice enough to compile the episode special artist end cards. There are some gaps, as there isn’t a string starting until episode 9, and there’s one for episodes 1, 5, and 7. I don’t remember if end cards weren’t a specific thing until then or not, but these are most of them up to episode 21. This one is probably my favorite just due to the stylized look. There’s also that creepy one of Mikasa’s butt drawn by Naminiku ATK, the guy who did the art for the Blu-ray visual novels. So, yeah, be wary I guess.

I’ve compiled them all into an Imgur album, as the Naver gallery has something else that could be not spoiler safe if you can read katakana, but if you’re willing to risk it, it’s right here.

If you look at the fighting throughout Titan, it’s pretty clear that Isayama is a big MMA fan. There’s also that Mikasa regularly appears doing MMA stuff, so someone put together a comparison of various action moments against things from UFC and similar. There are similar poses like what you see there, and there’s also comparisons to various fighters that may have been used for character and titan design. It’s kinda cool to see things like that.

This one also contains a manga thing, and it’s way worse and way more blatant, on the first page. I’m linking the second page to cover, but I think this is interesting enough to show despite that. Just enter carefully if you’re only watching the show and haven’t kept up with the manga. Second page here.

But let’s close on something that’s fun for the whole titan family. The last gallery is a huge collection of all the big time Pixiv artist Titan fan arts. Some of them are more serious single character portraits or environment things, and some of them are awesome fun pictures like the above. The pictures will take you to themselves, but I’ll also link you to the artist. This one was drawn by KiyaKiya.

Artist: yamako

A little Slapstick is always good. Eren getting kicked is also always good.

Artist: sine-eang

And this just amuses me to no end. If you were dating Eren Jaeger, via dating sim at least, what faces would he make as you progressed in your relationship from simple acquaintances to flushed, teenage love? Well, you might have to spend some time in the hospital after the giant fist in your face, but you’d know your relationship is going well.

You can check out that whole gallery here.

Attack on Titan Wings of Humanity’s End PV/TVCM 1

Posted in Attack on Titan, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

Just a tiny, little TV commercial to wet your anticipation for the game. Attack on Titan: Wings of Humanity’s End‘s first video video demo, and it’s not particularly comprehensive. Just some anime, some Colossus Titan graphics, and some 3D gear flipping around. The flipping around looks nice. I’m interested if Eren’s, at least I think that’s Eren, repeated front flip cut, I guess his version of the Jaeger Slam, is contextual kill or something you fully control. There’s a quick slide kick, it looks like. That probably isn’t an attack, because what are you doing by kicking a titan in the toe, but may be like the Unity 3D game where you slide to keep momentum so a titan doesn’t come up and kick you in your entire body. 3D movement does look like it will be fun and fast paced, but I’d like to see it in demo so we can see how well it controls.

The game launches December 5th at around $60. If it’s good, I still have hopes for us getting a full, English release.

Attack on Titan Episode 24 Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

Now stay perfectly still…

And don’t blink.

Yeah yeah, Hanji’s terrifying. Then what happened?




You can see the rest over at Yaraon. Don’t forget to check out this week’s Titan 4koma.


Titan Blu-ray Vol. 3 Episodes 5,6 and 7 Blu-ray Comparison Shots

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/20 by OnePixelJumpMan

Time for another visit from the correction fairy. There are more overall corrections as Vol. 3 covers episodes 5, 6, and 7, but 5 contains the most overall correction. It actually contains more corrections than 6 and 7 combined. To that end, all the pictures I’ll show you here come from that episode. Episode 5 was pretty heavy, both in animation demand and in how it stands to audiences, so I guess it makes sense that it would need all the attention.

There’s still adjustments like this where someone’s expression shifts a lot. There aren’t any like last sets Eren’s “Duh” face being replaced with actual emotion, but here he does look more angrily focused instead of murderous high. The shadow is a bigger, stranger error. The shape I at least get, but I’m guessing that someone forgot for a second that the shadow and the background weren’t on the same layer. Oh well.

There are also still ones like this where two shots look entirely unrelated. Likely, the above was used to save time and the lower one was the actual, intended shot. There are some of these in this comparison set that are so different, they can’t actually be compared in one-to-one shots as animation has shifted so much. There are also some comparisons during the Mikasa’s childhood flashback that are solid black against something actually being there.

But a lot more of the comparisons are like this. Simpler drawing adjustments, shadow reduction or increase, redone color palates, and facial adjustments that give the show overall a more dynamic look. You see a lot of them on the 3D gear swords where they’ve been changed to have greater shine/sheen on the blade. Look how much more vibrant ‘Ole Grandpa Titan is now compared to that washed out and gray shot from before. And when shadows are added, it does help to cover some of the weaker CG.

You can check out the whole list of comparisons on Yaraon.

(Image of the Vol. 3 Box from