Archive for Attack on Titan Blu-ray Vol. 4

“Reiner Would Make a Terrible Husbaburbleburble.” Titan 4Koma the Animation!

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

Did you enjoy the Titan 4koma series done in that ChimiChara art style? I guess they must have gotten pretty popular with all the repostings and translations because one of the bonus features on the most recent BDs, Vol. 4, is what’s essentially the updated anime version. It’s not animated versions of the comics themselves, though. They’re a series of whole new skits with whole new tiny gags.

The gags themselves are honestly pretty straightforward anime humor, Eren walks in on the girls and Mikasa specifically changing and gets violenced, there’s a climactic rock-paper-scissors showdown over who gets the last pudding at dinner, but there’s a certain small charm to it because of how Titan is. Mikasa and Ymir fighting for the honor of their respective waifus and Ymir and Christa sitting up in their room talking about boys has honest levity because it’s nice to see the characters do things that won’t eventually be part of someone horribly dying. It’s like Sasha and Connie passed around some of their charm to all the other characters so they could live happily for a moment. At least until the Colossus Titan shows up and eats everyone like a big, fat jerk.

The video is currently untranslated and resting on a Chinese video site. I’d love to embed it, but I can’t read enough to tell if that’s even an option, so you’ll have to make due with the link in the picture or this one. Let’s hope this gets properly brought over when Funimation gets these State side.