Archive for Attack on Titan Skill Chart

Attack on Titan Episode 8 “I Hear a Heartbeat” Teaser Images and Character Skill Chart

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

I know you’re going to be excited for this episode. Because guess what?

Moe Titan is BACK!

There’s also a little Sasha time.

And Titan Face time

Eren tries to compete, but I know he’s not going to eat me after I see this, so it’s not as effective

You go your entire life thinking you’ll never cheer at what looks like a baby getting punted, and, yet, here we are.

You can check out more images at Yaraon. They contain some more of the serious pictures.

Also, an interesting chart came from a different Yaraon post.

Bertholt got a job as a sticker guard after being a soldier proved too strenuous.

Yes, but what I was actually talking about was the skill chart.

Someone in the Titan thread who found this before I did was nice enough to translate the skill heptagon. Clockwise from the top:


The images of the characters are the ones used for their profiles on The Yaraon post mentioned is as having come from an “Official Guide Book,” though I don’t know anything about the guidebook, so I can’t tell you where the figures come from, but it’s interesting all the same. I didn’t think of Ymir having such high initiative. Sasha’s chart probably would have come off better if there’d been one for appetite. I like how Armin and Eren have almost inverted Combat and Intelligence. Connie got the short stick with his shape looking like a smaller version of Eren’s with him only having the edge in Cooperation. Don’t worry, dude. I’m still pulling for you.