Archive for Batman

It’s Hard to Be Bald at Christmas. Onepunch-Man Bonus Art

Posted in Onepunch-Man, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

If I’ve learned anything in the past few weeks, it’s how valuable it is to follow creator tweets. Onepunch-man has been slow on the updates, as we should expect since it’s a biweekly schedule, and the oneshot there’s been buzz about seems like it might be a little bit off too. So to get my fix, I’ve been thumbing my way through Yusuke Murata’s twitter albums.

There are a lot of pictures of Murata and ONE Saitama with each other. One of the cool things that the two do with the album is make little miniature stories, like when Murata Saitama and ONE Saitama go for a drive together.

A story that ultimately leads to Speed of Sonic Sounds stealing and reading the first OPM tankoban while Saitamas and Genoses are busy fighting a pirate book monster.

The shop owner isn’t important enough to be drawn by both artists.

And we also get character building moments like Saitama’s inability to wear knit caps.

So if you’re looking for a little extra OPM while you wait for the main course, Murata’s twitter is a fun thing to look through. He’s also a very good to both his fans and to ONE and OPM fans. A few days ago, he released some official art of characters that, at the current adaptation pace, he won’t get to for a while.

I have no idea who those two are since I’m reading OPM as it’s getting scanlated like many of you are, but based on my meager translation “skills,” one of those two is named Fubuki.

Murata has a lot of art up not just from OPM and not just from him. Sometimes his kids will draw, his oldest being very talented, and he has art from other things like back when he drew Jotaro for that JoJo’s Jump Art Book. He even drew Batman, The Joker, and Harley Quinn at one point.

So yeah, if you’re looking for a quick boost of Yusuke Murata’s art, his Twitter Album is a good place to get it. It just happens that because he’s drawing an updated Onepunch-man, you can also use it to get preview images of that. Everybody wins!

GMX Volume 4 – Cosplay Album 2: “And now Proposal 437-B: Crash the Moon into the Earth”

Posted in Conventions, Cosplay, GMX, Pictures/Albums, Press Coverage, Volume 4 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/10/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

Batch of cosplay pictures number two. People make some very nice props when making a costume. Also, having to put “Minerva Mink” in the tags makes me uncomfortable.

Was the whistling her intro, or was it me when I saw that sweet buster arm?