Archive for blu-ray

Free! DVD and Blu-ray Vol.2 Cover and Official Fan Book

Posted in Anime Seasons, Free -Iwatobi Swim Club, Summer 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/09 by doublegomez

That’s right, it’s time for us to see what the cover of Free! vol. 2 will look like and get the list of pre-order bonuses that can come with it.

This time the bonuses have some new stuff mixed in with some stuff that follows on from previous bonuses. First of all, you can get more postcards with different characters on them, a short booklet on Haruka this time, and more interchangeable covers. On top of this, you can also obtain a special priority ticket that will grant you access to a special live talk show with various cast and crew members. It’s a very special treat that one doesn’t see to often.

In other merchandise related news, KyoAni has announced an official website. Here’s the official website if you want to see. They even went through the trouble of making a commercial for the thing.

It’s going to be your standard affair with books about a show. It will have an introduction to each character, commentary on each episode, and commentary on the OP and ED sequences. It should be a pretty interesting read considering the massive amount work put into every aspect of the show. While it may not have the insane backing Attack on Titan does, but there’s still quite a lot of man power put into the show. It’s coming out on October 30 for 2,500 yen. Definitely check it out.

Free! – ISC Blu-ray Volume 1

Posted in Anime Seasons, Free -Iwatobi Swim Club, Summer 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/26 by doublegomez

That’s right, the cover of the first Blu-ray for Free is out.  Not only is it out and going to be released on September 11, but fortunately the Blu-ray has some rather unique gifts that come with it. One of the bigger bonuses for just buying the thing, is two un-aired original shorts. I believe they are called “The troubling truth” and “Staff Recruitment.” Alongside those, if you pre-order, then there are also multiple inside covers for the blu-rays or DVDs, a short book all about Rin, and special postcards.

Of course, there are also the original store benefits that the individual sellers have if you buy from them. This includes, but is not limited to, multiple types of towels, a phone card, line art, a small book, posters, and bromide for whenever you have to clean your pool. The number of things you can get as a store bonus is just crazy. The remaining Volumes’ release dates are listed below if you’re interested.

  • October 9, Vol.2 [2013]
  • November 6, vol.3 [2013]
  • December 4, Vol.4 [2013]
  • January 8, Vol.5 [2013]
  • Febuary 5, Vol. 6 [2013]

Roughly one a month is a pretty standard schedule. Let’s hope they start giving out some crazier merch as time goes on.

Episode 25 “Birth of the Ultimate Lifeform” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

There’s my boy. Or can you say that Cars is a boy at this point. I’m still disappointed that the SEX USELESS doesn’t shoot out of his crotch as a sound effect, but seeing it down there in all caps as part of this scene pulled directly from the manga makes me pretty happy.

I’m not doing tons of preview images here because we’re busy with the con, but you can always check out all of them at Yaraon.


For the honor of all JoJo and also GeJo!

So yeah. That’s all right? Yeah, I’m wondering about the special announcement too. I haven’t seen anything on Yaraon, forums, JoJo Twitter, or the anime official site other than that the Vol. 4 Blu-rays are now up on Amazon and a wild comment on Yaraon mentioning wondering about Part 3. We may have to wait until the subs come out because it’s inline or something that wouldn’t show up in screenshots. Don’t worry. It’ll come.