Archive for Bon Jovi

Arbitrary Kill la Kill Fan Art Day

Posted in Fanworks, Kill La Kill, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2014/03/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

First off, this. This tickled me way more than it has any right to have done so. But it synches up so well, and who doesn’t want to watch Nui getting harpooned into something over and over again?

(Thanks to the KlK thread for posting)

But that’s pretty short, so have a fan art collection.

Some are incredibly well drawn and composed, no pun intended.

Some are incredibly disappointing because this hasn’t happened in the show and probably won’t happen in the show even though it’s the best possible thing the show could ever do.

And some are overly risque for no real reason to the point of distracting from the more solidly done parts, so KlK. This picture isn’t one of those. I don’t want to post one of those, and this is too adorable not to post.

You can see that whole collection here.