Archive for BUBBLES

OPJ Podcasts! “OPJ’s Bizarre Podcast – Part 2: You Can See This Baby from Space!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Podcasts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/03/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Your next words are, “A podcast on Battle Tendency?”

JoJo’s Bizarre Podcast Year continues with Part II: Battle Tendency. Special appearances by Guile, the start of the really crazy ass planning, ridiculous weaponry, and fighting vampires as a stepping stone on the way to thrashing living gods. It’s pretty good.

Download it here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!





OPJ Podcasts! “Neon Geass Evangeass… EP 2 ‘Princess Humping'”

Posted in Podcasts, Super Robots with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2012/02/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s time for more angelic fury, although Aquarion is also an angel so the last one would have been too. Huh.

Well, anyway, we’re joined by Zeonik Freak from Anime of Yesteryear and the Kool Kids Klub podcast as he tries to defend Evangelion from… nothing because we looked well on this stretch of episodes. It has a head explosion, and who could hate that?

Also, Code Geass. I’d talk about what we say more, but I’m not over the bubbles yet…

Download it here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!


ALSO RELEVANT (start at 6:48 if it doesn’t)