Archive for CEDEC Visual Arts Award

Yes, Give Us all the Awards, and then a Train so Our Glory May Roam the Land!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

So, lots of cool JoJo’s stuff has happened recently.


This is from an official Famitsu magazine. You see what you think you see. It’s a perfect score. All Star Battle joins the illustrious rank alongside twenty other games to have ever gotten a perfect score from the magazine. How much stock you want to put into that is up to you. Jojo’s fandom may have helped anticipation, but it may have also added extra scrutiny for how much JoJo CC2 was able to converry. It also seems to be the first fighting game ever on the list of perfects. All in all, the 21st on a list of perfect games going all the way back to Ocarina of Time is not bad.


Remember these guys? The OPs for JoJo’s: The Animation were nominated for a CEDEC award based on for their skill of blending 2D and 3D animation while managing to capture the unique look of “The JoJo’s World” for fans across many decades. They won. If you remember, the competition was scattered since “Visual Arts” meant a lot of things, but other nominees included things like NHK’s Tokyo Station Vision, Square-Enix’s Real Time Tech Demo for Agni’s Philosophy, and Konami’s new FOX Engine that will be used in MGS 5. So, yes, that does mean that, at least in the visual department, JoJo’s is cooler than a TV station, most JRPGs, and Big Boss. If someone draws a fan art of Araki sticking out his tongue and pulling down his eyelid at Kojima and Nomura, we may have to declare them King for a Day.


Yeah, the game gets its own train. This isn’t an ad bought to run on a train. This is specifically the JoJo’s Train. It’s such a big deal that it has its own website and a spin-off logo. The train is running publicly on the Yamanote Line between August 26th and September 9th. These aren’t the only decals, either. The list of pictures shows there is a decal for each main protagonist and antagonist except for any of the Pillar Men and Valentine, though it also doesn’t show one for Bruno who’s right there, so they may just not have added them to the list. Dio gets to be on there twice. You know why.

I’d call that a pretty good sweep, and I’m sure there’s even more to come.

The Ultimate OP! JoJo’s the Animation OPs Nominated for CEDEC Award

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

How long has it been since you’ve watched the JoJo’s OPs? Not listened to the music, that I assume is on infinite loop around you at all times, but watched the sequences themselves? You might want to consider watching again because the sequences and Kamikaze Video are up for a CEDEC, the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, award. The videos were considered because of their skill in blending 2D and 3D imagery as well as capturing the unique “JoJo’s World” look.

The award is specifically for the “Visual Arts” category, and it’s against 4 other entrants: NHK’s Tokyo Station Vision, Square-Enix’s Agni’s Philosophy Real Time Tech Demo, Giant Sparrow’s The Unfinished Swan, and Konami’s new FOX Engine. “Visual Arts” is a wide category, apparently. The tweet about this by Kamikaze mentions something about a voting poll, but I can’t find anything on the CEDEC page for the nomination list. Just in case, keep the site in mind in case they need some support.