Archive for Coda

From the depths of silence Awaken thepillarsbeyondtimetogcouraofcrimood- … From the depths of silence Awaken

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

I love this fandom. Maybe it’s because JoJo’s itself gets really creative, but the fanworks are just incredible.

Give it a second to pick up. The moment you realize what’s going on, your mind will be blown. What really impresses me is that this could have just been the first part of the video and that would have been cute, but the number of stand powers and which powers they are at times this video is able to make use is incredible. It would have never entered my mind to use KISS, but it was so cool when it happened. See how many you can identify without using the tags as a cheat sheet. Hell, it may not work because I’m not sure I got them all.

“Bloody Stream” Single in High Quality Sound

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , on 2013/01/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Just a quick reblog from SRW-Z. Now that the single of “Bloody Stream” has been officially released, the high sound quality version is out officially. It’s also got that really beautiful new cover art. There aren’t enough colorful splash pages of Joseph using the Crackers regardless of how many there actually are.

“Bloody Stream” Full Song. Again. For Real This Time.

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

Hey, you remember that full version of “Bloody Stream?” Turns out that was just an extended version of the TV version using some of the new lyrics but no musical differences and not the real full song. Since we got “Sono Chi no Sadame” early, I just ran with it. Show me to jump the gun, but as recompense, here’s the real full song.

Wait until 3:19 where it gets totally sweet. I know what I said.

Ok, that’s much better. I was disappointed in what I thought was the full version for just being a simple retread of the TV version, though no suspicious because that sort of thing does happen. Now I feel better with the awesome trumpets coming down in full force before the second verse. Absolutely beautiful. I guess real gold is just that much better after finding some fool’s gold. Enjoy!


“Bloody Stream” by Nintendo Famicom

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ever since Megaane made his 8-bit/Famicom “Roundabout,” I’ve been waiting for him to make an 8-bit “Bloody Stream,” but it hasn’t happened. He’s got plenty of robot shows to make songs for, I guess. But not to worry because NicoNico user Yattuke as stepped up to the plate and made one instead. It’s the TV sized version, but it sounds good and the 8-bit logo looks it was pulled right out of an official game like the Stardust Crusaders RPG from way back.


“Bloody Stream” Full Song and Episode 14 “Ultimate Warriors from an Ancient Time” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

Turn off anything you have playing, kids, because it’s finally here!

Alternate YouTube Link

I don’t think this needs introduction. Just like I said when I spied the release date for the single CD being January 30th, we get the full version about halfway into the month. Enjoy!

And while you do, take a look at the teaser images for Episode 14. As always, you can see more at Yaraon blog, but spoiler warnings.

Another in the running for “Best Anime Picture of Joseph”

Caeser’s looking good, Joseph’s looking goofy and good, “Bloody Stream” is out in full. I’d call this a pretty solid JoJo day.

“Bloody Stream” Single from Animelo

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2012/12/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

Remember when I brought up that the full “Bloody Stream” single should be coming out on January 30th, but that means we should actually get it some time in late December to early January because we got “Sono Chi no Sadame” in full before the official single release? It looks like I may have been right.

That tweet is one from Animelo about releasing the full version of “Bloody Stream” on their Android distribution channel. If you follow the link, it takes you to this page where it’s to be set up for people to buy the JoJo’s The Animation songs and episodes. It has a QR code for smart phone users and a forward button for the link in email.

Yep, it looks like it’s all set up for digital distribution except that I can’t find a “Buy” button. All the links just send me in a loop around the pages for the JoJo’s products. It’s possible you need to be signed up in some way for the service before you get that. It could be because they don’t have the single yet, but I also can’t find it for “Sono Chi no Sadame.” Regardless, Animelo has set up for digital distribution of “Bloody Stream,” so if we’re not getting it right this minute, we’re getting it soon. Now all we have to do is wait for someone to post it on YouTube.

“Bloody Stream” Goes Live! Full Battle Tendency Opening Animation and Episode 11 Preview Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

Episode 11, “Game Master,” is out, and you know what that means.

Well, yes, but I was actually talking about that the new opening is out.

Official Single Album art from JoJo’s Twitter

This link will take you to the Nico Video version in case that YouTube video goes dead. You’ll need an account

Ohh, it’s good. “Sono Chi no Sadame” was awesome because it was hot blooded and really tailor made to be the theme of JoJo’s The Animation, but this is much lower key. May not seem appropriate at first considering how much hotter the blood gets in Battle Tendency, but it’s so smooth and stylish. They got a really excellent song out for this.

The animation is just glorious. Kamikaze went above and beyond my expeectations. I thought that the first OP had some good stuff, and it really did, but this is amazing. They did a great job keeping the CG separate from the 2D stuff, and both look fantastic. The charm of the characters, from Wham’s intensity when he uses his tornadoes to Cars’s arrogance when he poses in front of the moon to Joseph’s goofiness when he fucks up using JoJo Crackers while practicing with Caeser is all so well done. You look at it and just understand what Battle Tendency has in store for you style and tone wise.

Hope this tides you guys over until the sub. Hell, I hope it does until the single comes out because I’m not sure I’ll make it.

On top of that, Yaraon has released their preview shots of Episode 11.

Hey, they did end up putting it that in. Gross!

Wait, I think this might actually be a scene from Mad Bull 34.

You can view the rest of the preview images here at Yaraon, but spoiler warning of course.

“Bloody Stream” Single Release Date

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

Today is apparently Blu-ray preview day.

HMV has now shown their release preview. It’s the same schedule as Gamers, starting January 30th, so they all probably will be. HMV’s benefit is, along with their other buy bonus of something about a sheet of magnets, is that they’re offering a price break if you buy in bulk. Individual buys will still be full price, but buying in bulk will drop that to $79.55 (¥6,552). Not a massive price break, but it’s better if you’re looking to own it all, and keep in mind that the Blu-rays will have English subtitles. If you want them, they won’t just be a collectable that you own for kicks.

If you look at the bottom, you can see that they’re also selling the CDs with “Sono Chi no Sadame” and will be selling the “Bloody Stream” one. The “Sono Chi no Sadame” album just had the song flat and a karaoke version at $8.92 (¥795).

It’s safe to assume that the “Bloody Stream” CD will be the same. The most important part of the CD release though is that it’s going to be released with the Vol. 1 Blu-ray. The single version of “Bloody Stream” will be released on January 30th. Knowing the way it worked last time with the full OP, that means someone will probably leak the full version in early January. If the music we got out of Episode 10 is any indicator, the new OP is going to be a musical experience, so look forward to it.

Animage Feature! “Bloody Stream” in Episode 11

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

Quick Twitter update with some important news.

The link there is about the big “NEXT” in the middle of the page. Animage, a big time Japanese anime and entertainment magazine, has featured JoJo’s The Animation in a recent issue. The link leads to a quick snapshot of it.

(Image from JoJo’s The Animation Twitter, photo taken from a copy of Animage Magainze)

A small shot of that image is also just under the tweet, but it’s easier to see and link to it this way.

As nice as that is, that’s big popularity news. What’s more important show news is that part about the OP. According to this tweet, the new opening “Bloody Stream” by Coda will not be starting on Episode 10 this week, but will be starting on Episode 11 next week. That leaves us one last week to bask in the glory of “Sono Chi no Sadame.” The two songs are being produced by the same group, so I expect the same level of quality. But you know, “Sono Chi no Sadame.” “Bloody Stream” probably isn’t going to have “JoJo” sang as a sustained note for an anomalous amount of time. I don’t know if I’m ready to give that up yet.

“Roundabout” Lives! Official Site Updates to Battle Tendency

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/03 by OnePixelJumpMan

The reairings of “Final Ripple” are still going out onto Japanese TV stations throughout the week, but Part 1 is definitively over now that we have the new JoJo’s The Animation Website Updating to show off Part 2.

The new website has a handful of important new features and updated older ones. The new Character/Cast Page is now divided up by part and we have higher quality shots of the Part 2 characters. Much better than those quick magazine pictures.

(Official  art of Joseph Joestar)

There’s new information and synopses on the Story page, also divided up by part.

(Official preview shots of Episode 10 – “New York JoJo.”)

We also now have the interesting Introduction Page. It serves as just a quick preface to the crazy fun that was Part 1, pure insanity that will be Part 2, and will maybe end up being for all the Parts that follow.

Last quick thing of note is the changes to the Staff Page. Like with the Story and Characters Pages, they are keeping the information for all Parts and labeling accordingly, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency being the fitting colors of purple and green respectfully. Taku Iwasaki has been added to the list for being the series composer, and “Bloody Stream” by Coda added to the list of openings. Most notably, though, is that there has not been a new ending theme listed on the official site. This means that “Roundabout” by Yes will continue to be the ending theme of this season unless that changes before the airing of “New York JoJo” or mid-season. I don’t mind one bit. The direction used “Roundabout” phenomenally throughout Part 1, and we’re bound to get a brand new ending sequence.

Battle Tendency is going strong! Give it all the passion that you know Joseph would!

(All images © Warner Brothers, davidproduction, and Hirohiko Araki)