Archive for Code Breakers

Fall Anime Season 2012: GIFs! Uppercuts and exploding faces, all in GIF form!

Posted in Fall Anime Season 2012, Super Robots, Text Articles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on 2012/11/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

Sometimes you see something in a show or game or what have you that you could just watch over and over in an endless loops. That’s probably not why .gifs were invented, but that’s what I find is their most valuable use.

Fall Anime 2012 has given us a few good .gif opportunities. You’re all probably familiar with this:

It’s like a windshield wiper blade.

There’s actually another JoJo’s .gif I want to share, but I’m saving it for the show notes under the next JoJo’s podcast.

Originally, I only had a passing interest in seeing the next show, ROBOTICS;NOTES, and then I saw this in passing:


Big or small, space metal or plastic, sweet robot moments are sweet robot moments.

Now I’m watching the show actively.

Lastly, for now at least, this was another show I wasn’t watching and had no intention of watching and have no intention to continue watching. Code Breakers is mostly a parade of annoying shonen stuff that I don’t care about from what I’ve seen, but every now and then, a show goes above and beyond to please me.

No talking. Just blow up.

It’s like the show delved into my deepest action desires. Face grab: Check. Exploding face grab: Check. Decently animated exploding face grab: oh, I’m loving every second of this. Unfortunately, it’s only this long, but that one shining moment was all I needed.

There’s probably going to be more .gifs, and if they’re good, I’ll put them up.