Archive for Diamond is not Crash

“Dude! Okuyasu! You’ve gotta see the new JOJOveller book!” JOJOveller Commercial 1

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

You probably remember the JoJolion commercials with Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi reading Jump comics on the sidewalk? Why not keep going with that. We’ve got the first official JOJOveller commercial from our favorite high school kids. Personally, I love when Echoes Act 3 craters the book. You gonna talk about JOJOveller in Morioh, you better be ready to fight. Throw that Jump on the table, lets go. Such good style.


This is the intro that plays when you visit the official JOJOveller site’s front page. I think there it’ll infinitely loop. This is a clean video. When viewing it on the page, it would be cluttered with menu items. I don’t know if the person who uploaded this ripped this themselves or found it, but he did also post a link where you can download the music in the video’s description. Make sure and fJOJOollow the video back to YouTube if you’re interested.

JoJo Royale Stage 6 START and Stage 5 Look Back

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

Stage 5 of the JoJo Royale has ended. The Ena boards are all in. The official site does not list a winner of the replica bow and arrow at time of writing, but the entrants and highlights are all listed on the Google Plus Page. And, wow. Check out some of the top entries.

I’m sure it’s obvious, but it’s really hard to only show off a few of these. I could post 50 of the entries and still feel like I was missing something. The creativity and artistic skill in these is really impressive. Whoever wins, I’ll never guess until I see the entry because I don’t know if I could pick one winner. You can see the full gallery of entries here at the Google Plus site.

Of course, with the ending of one stage comes the beginning of a new one.

Stage 6: BLOCK

The challenge is to make some sort of JoJo’s expression using block materials. The prize this time is Hirohiko Araki’s drawing desk. There are a handful of Lego entries, as you can imagine, but the entries are not limited to that. As long as it’s made of blocks, it’s a legitimate entry to the Stage.

The deadline is February 1st. Post your entries here. Good luck!

The Actually Pretty Nice AMV of Roha from NicoNico

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

Have you seen that before? I wouldn’t be surprised; it has over 400,000 hits and was made over a year ago. I’m not typically into AMVs because the ones I see are usually sad looking moments from MY ANIMES set to depressing music for teenagers, but this one just oozes style and a lot of effort. I have no idea if the guy who made that, a Nico Video user named Kurohara, knew about it being brought over to YouTube by that guy, but let’s assume he did and the response drove him to make a new one.

And it’s pretty good too. I don’t think it’s a secret that Part 4 is my favorite Part, and this is just a love letter to it like the above was a love letter to Part 3. I really want to stress how good the quality is, too. This looks like an extended commercial for the Part 4 box set or something. The way Kira’s hand moves when he’s introduced by name may look a little silly because it’s just a pulled around object, but considering that this guy would have only been able to work with manga pages, it’s really impressive.

The music from the Part 3 one was “JUVES” by Diggy-Mo’, the lead performer of the J-Rap group SOUL’d OUT. You might remember them from as the guys who did the very excellent ending theme to the Phantom Blood movie “VOODOO KINGDOM.” The music from the Part 4 one is also by Diggy-Mo’, “JUNKOO Soul,” but I haven’t been able to find a clean version of that that isn’t this AMV. That’s helpful, though. We get a pretty nice JoJo’s AMV and a SOUL’d OUT song. I’d call that a nice video. My only regret is that someone beat me to the “I had a boner” line in the comments.