Archive for Diavolo in All Star Battle

OraMudaDoraAriMudaOraOra! My Ears! Well, at Least I’m Getting to Hit Back

Posted in JoJo's Year, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Whew, that’s actually pretty tough to listen to all together like that. Someone went through the trouble of getting tons of rush pairs for everyone that can get them. I’m only embedding the first part because they start to repeat pretty quick, but there are two parts. There’s Jotaro vs. Dio on and then a Dio vs. Jotaro one later on. There is one fun one to see in Mista though. Stands don’t run out, but bullets do, so that he can actually manage reloads during that exchange is pretty impressive. He must have a massive callus on his trigger finger.

But that’s something you’d probably see eventually in normal gameplay. What about something you may not end up discovering on your own, like the broken parts of the game? It is a fighter, so something was bound to be out of balance or broken at some point, but you’d hope it’s nothing significant. Is it? Oh, it is quite significant.

Yeah, two loops have already been discovered. There’s a Joylne one, and there’s a Diavolo one. The Jolyne one looks like it takes a certain level of effort to pull off the timing of even if it is somewhat simple. The Diavolo one is outright obscene. That looks like something you’d discover your first or second time playing the character. Yeah, probably something that needs to be fixed. I really hope that’s a patchable thing and not a, “Welp, we’ll get it in Version 2 eventually.”


Steady the Tripod for Dio’s Close-up! A Quick and Dirty ASB PV 5!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s pretty late, so I’ll talk more completely about it later, but if you’re really hungry for PV 5, someone was nice enough to bring a camera. The whole thing is up and covered in crowd noise, but you can see the whole thing from the first spinning of the ASB logo to Narancia dropping an Aerosmith brand bomb.

One image real quick.

That’s a post late night Joseph snack Dio. The text says “Customize System,” so I’m not sure if that means that that will be a normal costume for Dio or if you can customize him to look like that. It may be both where you get the parts of that outfit in the customizer and can add as you see fit. That may mean that you can only customize characters with their own costume materials, meaning there’s no way to give every character Speedwagon’s hat. We may have to wait for more details.


According to this from the official site, we’re looking at a new character in ten days. That background is Dio’s Castle, so it follows that it’ll be a Part 1 character. The guesses I’ve seen are resting pretty firmly on a Part 1 Dio. I’m not sure how likely that is, but the next most likely candidate is Speedwagon, and I don’t think it’ll be him because he’s part of one of the stages as a background element. I guess we’ll find out in a few days.

(Thanks for posting this image, JoJo Thread)

Arrivederci and Have a Good Flight. Bruno, Narancia, and Diavolo Confirmed for ASB!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Finally! I’ve been waiting on Bruno since this game was announced. The information is a little lacking this time. I can’t really tell what’s going on in those pictures other than the one of Bruno in the dramatic ducking pose, and I’m not solid enough to completely tell what the quotes next to them are, Diavolo is saying something along the lines of “Truth/Certainty will vanish,” Bruno is calling out defiantly and saying something like, “You’ll never understand my heart,” and Narancia is asking for orders.

But whatever. Bruno! Diavolo and Narancia are cool too. I figured Diavolo because of the Protagonist/Villain set up, which means I’m still expecting Enrico and Funny Valentine before the end of summer, but I was shaky on Narancia. He was ultra powerful during the original Part 5 game, so I was worried they might balk on using him, but if Giorno gets an instant kill, why the hell not?

Well, I found my character. I don’t even care if Bruno ends up being the worst character from a fighting game perspective. I’ll still be playing the hell out of him.

As a bonus, HC has released high quality scans of the Kira, Rohan, and Cars pages with a full blown translation. It’s a lot of material, so I’ll just link you over, but it contains info on the characters, a bit about their moves, and also about the new stage, the Yoshikage Home.

I’m on pins and needles for the next special. Look forward to it.