Archive for Dio Brando Steamroller

Dio’s Beautiul in-game Model. Also, Hol Horse and Abdul

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

A handful of new All-Star Battle confirmations. We already know about Okuyasu and Hermes, so what could be next.

Well, all right then. I don’t think any of us doubted he would be, but Dio brando is confirmed. Specifically Stardust Crusaders Dio. I’m not sure if there will be an alternate Phantom Blood Dio or if that will just be an extra costume or something. We can expect time stopping powers just like we’ve seen with Jotaro in the trailers since he comes with The World. To that end, Jotaro will be able to move around in the stopped time if his super gauge is filled. Possibly the most important thing is that if you look on the left hand of the page, you can see a steamroller getting dropped. I’m not surprised that they put that in, but it makes me happy to know that they did.

And, not to sell them short, Abdul and Hol Horse have their confirmation tucked away in the lower corner. They look good for what you can see. It had been long enough since playing the Capcom fighting game that I’d forgotten Abdul has green hair. You unfortunately can’t seen Magician’s Red, but hopefully we’ll get some gameplay screens of Abdul and him soon like we did with Okuyasu  and Hermes. I wasn’t expecting Hol Horse. A lot of Dio’s Part 3 underlings came and went pretty fast, so Hol Horse did end up being one of the more prominent ones. I wonder how he’ll comepare to Mista since they both have gun based Stands.

So we’ve gotten Parts 4, 5, 6 and now Part 3 characters. Who do you think we’ll get for Part 7? Think we’ll get Diego Brando? Double Dio Madeness Match? If that does happen, I demand it as a warm-up show at every tournament with this game in it.