Archive for Duwang Episode 8

DUWANG PRINCE KING Special: March on All People! Octo Chick!

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

DUWANG subs were awesome. Throwing your hat in the ring of a show that already had tons of sub groups is fine, I suppose, but it was cool to see a fan take something they liked to transform it into a big in joke. We had a regular spot on it here, but they eventually dried up right after Episode 7. I heard it was for various reasons like the guy only intending to make the one episode and that he was stuck because he lived where Hurricane Sandy hit. It was too bad because they were fun, and they were a good place to fall back if you were caught in one of those inane subgroup arguments.

Well, a little bit ago, someone left a comment telling me the 8th episode had come out. I checked real quick, but didn’t see anything, but I’ve been watching it ever since, and guess what? I managed to overlook the new episode for a while. Thus, I bring you the new DUWANG:

Shinryaku! Ika Musume or Invade! Squid Girl as it was translated into English or March on All People! Octo Chick as it may come to be known is our DUWANG Subs Episode 8. No, you didn’t turn over two pages at once. It is a complete DUWANGed episode that you can download with what you’ve come to expect.

Complete, 1-to-阿 translation for accurate representation

And 1,000 H-manga were launched

Cracks at fansubs

Old dub jokes

And a few in jokes

Yeah, I’m dumbfounded too, and DUWANG forms this veil where it can be tough to tell what’s part of the joke. The low picture quality is certainly that since it emulates the old terrible DUWANG scans, but the audio cuts out the moment dialogue starts, and I don’t know if that’s on purpose. And then there’s the Squid Girl thing itself. Maybe people were pestering him to make more JoJo’s subs, and this was his response to shut people up. Maybe he just wanted to mess with Squid Girl. It is a mystery.

If you’re interested, you can get Octo Chick here. That audio thing is something you’ll have to figure out yourself, though.