Archive for Enrico Pucci in All Star Battle

ASB PV 6 Full Subs

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

I had forgotten that someone would come along and sub the PV, but man am I appreciative. There’s a lot of small nuance to be picked up here and there. I had no idea that Abbacchio would be the one in charge of replays or that Terrence would be the one showing off models. The little details like that really make me appreciate the effort put into the game even more. It’s an even better showing than I would have expected all the way around.

ASB League Group G Full Fights

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Normally Nico, but if someone’s willing to upload to YouTube, who am I to complain? The video’s even nice enough to get straight to the fight.

Group G is made up of all our new characters, PB Dio, Pucci, Kawajiri, and Valentine, and the character brought back in by popularity poll, none other than Noriaki “Cherry Roller” Kakyoin. If anyone was going to be voted back in, I can’t really be surprised at Kakyoin. The downside is that means we are in Projectile City. Only Dio doesn’t have a regular projectile. He does have Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, but that’s only a super. It does seem to be his way of dealing with projectile characters, but only so he can hold them long enough to get into their guard. A lot of what you’ll see in these fights are air ball bombs, pistols, emeralds, and whatever it is that Pucci’s throwing. It’s unfortunate because, as you’ll see, all the characters also do decently without having to resort to that. I was almost surprised at how well Kakyoin did in short range, but he does all right. They just won’t get close except for Dio.

There are lots of little quirks to discuss. Pucci first. He does start fights counting prime numbers and always seems to start at 41. His removal of the stand disc does cause the same twitching that Rohan and Heaven’s Door cause. He does seem to be geared towards close range with a small projectile just to keep his mid-range options open. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see C-Moon or Stairway in these fights, so I’m not sure how they’ll play. It may be that setting them up is hard, but I suspect that the characters wanting to rely on projectiles probably made it less likely.

Valentine next. Again, he’s very reliant on his pistol in these fights, but his main trick is voiding attacks. His primary ultra in this fight is a counter, and he can make himself intangible by hiding in the flag, which also allows him to move around to get out of being hit. It’s an interesting idea, and I expected warping from him. He always seems to introduce himself with his stand’s full name, but he does call it with D4C.

I want to talk about Kawajiri, but he’s pretty much all about the Stray Cat bombs. He does have a counter ultra, which I expect is meant to deal with anyone who gets inside his shield of bombs, but that’s pretty much it outside a token rapid punch. So let’s move onto Dio. He doesn’t have any shots outside Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, so he’s geared towards close range fighting almost entirely. His ultra where he freezes you is actually blockable despite looking like a grab. Other than that, we mostly see him throwing out some normal combos. As this game is a descendent of Heritage for the Future, combos don’t seem to get too long when you’re doing normal hits, but he does get in some good ones.

That’s it for the preliminaries of ASB League. We now have the real tournament in front of us. The channel only lists the date of the game’s release, so we may be waiting until then to see it. Those of us on this side may be using that to tide over our appetites before we get the full game.

All Together Now! All Star Battle PV 6!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

I’m just going to say this now: Valentine fighting using an American flag may be the best thing this game has ever given us. Or, I guess you’d call it a Valentininan flag when he uses it? Regardless, that is easily my favorite aesthetic yet. I like things like the way Another One Bites the Dust pulls Hayato out of nowhere just so Kosaku can blow someone up, and I like that you go to space when time is accelerating beyond human perception into the realm only visible by gods, but there’s something special about the president pulling you into another dimension by slapping you with a flag. I also like the way he appears from it.

So here it is, the final stop before the game comes out. The new characters are the stars this time, flag, discs, frozen chunks of corpses, and time warping children bombs and all. We also get to see some situation finishes like the one at Dio’s Castle. Right at the end, we also see some of the menus. Story mode is of particular interest because it looks like you’re picking only from the main JoJo cast. If that is the case, I immediately go to that each character would follow the story of their own part, but the character roster isn’t geared towards that. If it works that way, Jolyne would have one fight with Pucci and maybe also a fight with Jotaro until the end. It’s just not enough, so I assume there’s more to it. I just don’t know why you’d have what looks to be like such a limited choice of characters for it then.

We saw the announcement characters and some alternate costumes. I don’t think the Darby Brothers need any introduction, but I’m happy to see Ringo Roadagain and Abbacchio. The most noticeable alternate costume is Johnathan’s, his green outfit he makes his most famous cover pose in. There were also some other ones, Josuke in something red, Joseph with a riding cape, and Jolyne in something fanserive looking, but most of those go by too fast for me to get a real beat on which outfits they are.

22 days. It’s almost right at our doorstep. I imagine there’s time for one more Famitsu special, and there’s also ASB League which I should be able to get you later today.

Fly Away Forever! Dio and Pucci Scans Number 2

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , on 2013/07/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

Small update on Pucci and Dio, alongside a scan with a still better view of Pucci’s stands. These and a translation of a few new elements introduced in the same spread are courtesy of mikestrider on the JoJo forums. Credit where it’s due, I’ll quote his translation directly.

HQ Ultra Jump scans

Dio’s Battle Style is “Vampire” or “Blood Sucking” whichever you prefer.

The Situation Finish at Dio’s Castle is reinacting the scene where PB Dio falls off the side of the castle if he loses on the stage.

The Cape Canaveral stage is officially called “Kennedy Space Center”

The stage itself is essentially a hazard. Due to C-Moon’s powers, the stage changes gravity and the ground where you fight changes.

As a Situation Finish, if an opponent is sent flying, they’ll forever fly away.

I wonder what it is Dio’s fight mode will do. Will it work like ripple and just make him generally stronger? Maybe drain touch? That could get pretty rough if it’s not balanced properly. His castle situation finish sounds like good style. I imagine that it’ll look like the one in the Yoshikage house where, if you win with a super, the loser will fly backwards and out the window.

The Space Center stage sounds troubling by description. All the hazards up until this point have been one hit tricks if you stand in a little area for too long. A whole stage hazard that’s always active sounds like it could be really disruptive. That said, I don’t know what exactly it does. It sounds like the gravity switch will make it so where you’re standing will change randomly or at set intervals. I don’t know if that will interrupt what’s going on at the time or just be a cosmetic change, but if it’s the second, I don’t know how that’d be a hazard. At least the situation finish sounds hilarious. It may be because I’m imagining it as being like Galactic Punt from P4, which is also hilarious.

Tomorrow would usually be the day for a new ASB League, so maybe we’ll get to see some gameplay with these two.

Our Magificence Cannot be Limited to a Single Page! The Dio Brando and Pucci Super Spread!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Oh, that’s just beautiful. You look so good Pucci, and so do all your stands. Not that we should be surprised, but you get stand discs, and they work somewhat like Rohan’s writing power. I’m hoping that isn’t not that you twitch when you try to move, but rather that it locks you to only using very basic attack. There’s also something about stealing powers, but it’s pointing at C-Moon when it says that. Stairway works as you’d expect. Using his power makes the opponent slow to a crawl due to Pucci’s perception. It’s like how Diavolo worked in the Part 5 game, but that is how Pucci fought with Stairway.

Oh, and Dio. He’s pretty well done. He has his freezing power, but he also has his ability to suck blood. If you freeze a character, you can drain them dry and replenish your own health. He also gets Space Ripper Stingy Eyes. That may result in some spamming, but I don’t mind because I love the name. Go nuts with it.

Actually click the pictures this time to see the HQ versions. I posted the Japanese versions, but the linked versions are the translations from the JoJo Forums. The vampire in the bottom of Dio’s page has something fun to say.

“Is that ‘riiii’ spelled with a ‘w’ or a ‘u,’ Lord Dio?” Part 1 Dio and Enrico Pucci Announced!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

(Edit 2.5: Got a new picture from JoJo F2C, then immediately found the translated HQ version from HurricaneCrew. You can see the Double Dio now, and Pucci’s stands are now much easier to see. You can also read it.)

Against my expectations, we’ve got Dio Number 2. Or is that Dio Number 1? I guess it doesn’t really matter, but that’s another big time character set, and he brought a friend. Now we’ve started fleshing out Part 6, though Part 1 Dio’s announcement might overshadow that slightly.He’ll likely be called “Dio Brando” in kana to contrast “DIO” of Part 3.

If you look in the corner under Pucci, you can see both Whitesnake and Made in Heaven, as it will probably be called. Because of that, playing as Pucci should let you use Made in Heaven in direct combat instead of as an ultra or something like I figured it would work. How will that work? Will Pucci get crazy fast and teleport around insanely? Will it do something to the round clock? What if you turn the round clock off? I also can’t discern C-Moon in there, but it probably is. (Edit: Someone pointed out the text that actually says C-Moon right over him. It’s being slightly swallowed by the glare right of MIH.) That’s going to be hard to fight.

Also, NamcoBandai put out a new video as a commercial for ASB League. There’s also a character trailer during it’s second part, which is the bulk of the video. It’s a massive comprehensive collection of everyone we’ve seen up until this point and a little bit extra on characters we haven’t seen in a while. I had forgotten that Kakyoin had his move where Hierophant goes inside your body, and that Okuyasu has a move where The Hand just keeps stomping on you for a minute. Very cool, just like how Speedwagon withdraws at the end of the video.