Archive for Everybody make fun of Josuke’s hair

Baoh- Baoh- Baoh- Baoh- Baoh Phenominon. Baoh ASB Demo Videos

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/11/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

And that brings us to the Armed Phenomenon. And you’ll be hearing about that ad nauseum. Baoh as the character fights fine, I suppose. I really did think the laser version of Break Dark Thunder would be the GHA, but it works more like Dio’s Space Ripper Stingy Eyes. What’s unfortunate is the narrator. I appreciate wanting to be as close to the source as possible, but the voice being so prominent makes hearing “BAOH” over and over kinda grating. You probably get used to it over time, but still. Outside that, he’s interesting enough. I wouldn’t have expected him to have an aerial projectile. Hell, I didn’t expect him to have a projectile at all. Didn’t know Baoh could throw his arm blades.

Outside that, we’ve also got the GE punch, the counter hair taunt, the Joseph taunt, and the GHA/HHA video. Here I don’t mind the narration because I like the idea that Josuke and Joseph can hear it. Where else would the insult come from, or Joseph’s sense of smug self satisfaction? Or do they just look at Baoh and know? The punch is also great because of how little Baoh seems to care. “Barubaru” translates as “yeah, whatever.”

I’m Using the Laser Because You Get a Stand! The Old Joseph and Lisa Lisa Comprehensive Demo!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Very fast, this channel. These are some gameplay demos for our new ASB characters, Old Joseph and Lisa Lisa. The first one has both, but as he’s playing Joseph, it’s more a Joseph demo. Lisa Lisa is better demoed in the second video against Caeser. They play kind of like how I thought, though Lisa Lisa looks like she’s more target combo than I imagined. Sort of like Part 1 Dio, it looks like she based around linking together longer strings of smaller moves as opposed to the way I originally guessed where she’s be like Johnathan with very simple, strong combos. Joseph gets grapples with Hermit Purple and ripple breathing. His style is “Stand,” so I don’t know how he switches between them. It’s probably something like ↓↓ + Style.

On top of that, we also have both their HHA and GHA. Lisa Lisa gets a counter, which I didn’t expect. Also the “Your next words are…” taunts, the Gold Experience Punches where I think he punches the cigarette out of Lisa Lisa’s mouth that isn’t there, and Josuke’s hair mocking. They haven’t been translated yet, as far as I know right now, but I’ll append a translation to this later on or just link a video that has them. Whatever comes up.

[Edit: Just in case you haven’t seen it, NamcoBandai has uploaded an HQ version of PV 8 shown at TGS.]

Your Next Words are “Don’t Insult My Hair, You Deadbeat Father!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ok, let’s start these off with the video I can embed. This is a special circumstance of Josuke’s Insulted Hair Mode where he doesn’t run out of his invincible rage. This is apparently a story battle against Rohan for Josuke, and this is a really good representation of what it is that happened during that fight. That combo meter just keeps on going forever. I was almost disappointed that it didn’t reach 500, but watching Josuke in his unstoppable rage is always fun.

Now to the other two. These are Nico, so through Polsy we go [Edit: Nevermind. YouTubes are go. I will leave the Polsy links for completion sake. The Josuke one even has subtitles. And now the Joseph one does too.]. This first one is the full collection of every character’s insult for Josuke’s hair. This includes Fatty, but this was apparently too soon to get Iggy and Fugo in on the fun. There’s also a demo of Insulted Hair Mode being used at the end, so check that out as well.

Second video, the whole collection of every Joseph “Your next words are” quote. There’s apparently one for everyone. Like the above, I’m not solid enough with listening to translate for you, but having Joseph call Zeppeli on “HEY, BABY,” Valentine on his “Dojyaaan,” and Abdul on his “YES, I AM,” down to imitating his voice were pretty cool. Oh, and there was that we get to hear Sugita pull a “WRRRYYY” on Dio. That was pretty fantastic. Once again, this is soon enough to contain Fatty but not Iggy or Fugo. That’s too bad in this case. Since he was able to WRY on Dio, I would have loved to hear him say, “Your next words are… Woof.” If he used actual words, that means Joseph can hear Iggy’s inner monologue, and that would mean Joseph can read the minds of dogs. Ok, that would be fine too.

Snail Shells, French Bread, and Hot Dogs! New Ways to Make Fun of Josuke’s Hair

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

A whole new set of Josuke taunts has come down the pipe from the JoJo F2C blog. This set contains four of the most important people for taunting Josuke’s hair:

Giorno: That’s a unique hairstyle. Is it Frenchbread?
Johnathan: It’s like one of Danny’s turds! Zeppeli!
Josuke: What’s that nonsense on your head? It’s like a turban shell.
Jolyne: It’s like a turban shell.
Joseph: Look at the hotdog head!! I want to see your parent’s face!!
Rohan: Wasn’t that old fashioned 20 or 30 years ago?
JoJolion Josuke: Josuke Higashikata… Is your hair that stupid looking because  you’re a stand user, or is it natural?
Wham: What’s with your head!? You’re taunting me into a duel!

The only off thing is that I don’t know where that guy got these from. He also listed Dio “cow shit” taunt and Johnny’s “No, it’s great. Super cool,” one, so it’s consistent, but I wanted to remember Josuke already having one for himself that went something like “Your hair can never compare to mine,” and he also lists one for Trish that’s something along the lines of “It’s like two different foods!” It’s just a little strange on those, the rest follow fine, especially Joseph’s.

Now I just need to see Koichi’s. I thought he would end up getting a really milquetoast one because he’s Koichi, but Johnny’s got that covered. What will his be like?

“That Taunt’s Good… Really Good… It’s Super Harsh…”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

Hurricane Crew released another set of ASB info translated from 2ch posts. It’s all battle quotes. There are a lot of standard ones that people just say in general, but the meat of it is in special interactions.

Special intros

Polnareff vs DIO
Polnareff: “Now, I can feel it… this “white” in myself. This injured body that gives rise to courage. I am on the side of the light!”
DIO: “Your only choice is to die, Polnareff”

Polnareff vs Giorno
Giorno: “Hey, Polnareff is here. Polnareff?”
Polnareff: “Who is this? I don’t know ya…”

Jolyne and Jotaro
Jolyne: “You’re so… young!! What’s this about?”
Jotaro: “I don’t even know you…”

Giorno and DIO
Giorno: “I’ve been waiting for this moment”
DIO: “You feel close to me somehow”

Josuke to Jotaro: “You seem somewhat similar to me”

Special Victory Quotes

Jolyne beats Jotaro
“I wonder if I’m being paranoid…”

Giorno beats Polnareff
“It really was Polnareff”

Okuyasu beats Josuke
“Great, practice is over! Now let’s head over to the cafe and visit Tonio!”

Giorno beats DIO
“This power I received from you, I’ll use it to dream”

DIO beats Jonathan
Jonathan: “No way! DIO’s… alive…”
DIO: “Your body is my future”

Oh, did I say the meat was in the special interactions? I meant it’s in the special taunt everyone has for Josuke’s hair. The way it works is apparently like a counter. Josuke sets you up to insult him by saying, “What did you say about my hair,” and then the taunt takes place setting him into a super mode. They haven’t all been released, and you’ve already seen Dio call it “cowshit,” but there are some new ones including the ultimate line from Johnny.

“You should really cut that hair” (in JP Polnareff style Engrish)

“Your hair style doesn’t even compare to mine”

Johnny: (in total deadpan)
“That hairstyle’s good… really good… it’s super cool…”

As you can see at the top, some Tumblrs have already taken to the inevitable fanart answer. Johnny’s line is the best. I have no idea what anyone else is going to say, but short of Johnathan being really enthused by how great the hair is and Josuke taking it to be sarcasm, I don’t think anyone’s topping that one.

(Imfo from Hurricane Crew. Drawing up top by this Tumblr.)

“I Suggest Trying Joseph! He Has the Best Zoning IN THE WORLD!!!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Hurricane Crew with more ASB news. This is a picture of a preview display case. Stroheim bids you good day and says:


Absolutely beautiful. Along with this comes a bit more information. There’s a little bit about alternate colors at the beginning as well as a few of the special interactions. That should include the special ones we’ve seen in PV 4, but there’s also Dio with Johnathan, Jotaro, and Giorno, like you’d expect, Giorno and Polernaff, and Jolyne with Jotaro and Josuke with Okuyasu, both of which I believe we’ve seen.

The most important news, however, is this:

“Every character will have their own line when they make fun of Josuke’s hair. DIO’s from the PV was one of those. I’m assuming they say that when he activates his super-armor super cause well that’s the context of him getting pissed off. A source has given some of those lines for a couple characters but I’ll detail those in the character mentions for those mentioned.”

This will be the best game. This will be the best game forever.