Archive for George Joestar I

JJBATAS Episode 2 Now Up Now and Dio Torpedo Shirts Eventually

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

I hadn’t noticed in the first episode, but Antfish is actually using the updated Blu-ray cuts for these episodes in at least a few places. That’s good, I suppose, since it’s higher quality and all, but I think I’m going to miss crazy eyes Johnathan.

This is also the first episode with Speedwagon, meaning that this is going to be the first major dividing point where people are going to jump ship or not. I would say the first one was going to be with Dio, but who really doubted the handling of abridged Dio. “Dio Torpedo” will probably tip a few more viewers in the show’s favor.

Edit: And it’s already gone. That video will give you the “Removed by the user” error message. When it goes up again, I’ll re-embed it or link you if it doesn’t get uploaded somewhere I can embed from.

Edit 2: And it’s back. Let’s hope it stays.

Edit 3: Nope. It didn’t.

The Hidden Speedwagon. Designs from the Phantom Blood Movie

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

Who remembers the Phantom Blood movie? A lot of you probably remember that it exists, the song by SOUL’D OUT, and the rumors about Araki hating it so much he blocked it ever getting a DVD release, but I imagine not many of you have had the chance to see it outside maybe this YouTube video with 16 minutes of clipped out footage.

So did you ever want to know more about it? Tumblr is here to help.

These are all the character designs for how everyone looked in the movie. These are mostly useful for comparing the designs for what was a potential movie compilation to the current anime run we’ve gotten. The designs here, Johnathan and Dio aside, are a lot more normal. Characters are dressed fairly normally and the art style has a generally more realistic feel to it. I’m not sure how to describe it. I’m not a fan because there’s something about the style that makes everyone look like they have a really fat face, especially Johnathan and Dio.

There’s also voice. All the voice actors are listed there. Here’s a rundown for any you may not have known:

Johnathan Joestar: Katsuyuki Konishi (Kamina from Gurren Lagann)
Dio Brando: Hikaru Midorikawa (Lancer in Fate/Zero, Heero Yui in Gundam Wing)
Will A. Zeppeli: Rikiya Koyama (Currently Yoshikage Kira in ASB)
Erina Pendleton:Nana Mizuki
Tonpeti: Yoshisada Sakaguchi (Briareos in Appleseed, tons of dubbing roles)
George Joestar I: Tsutomu Isobe (Runge in Monster, again, tons of dubbing roles)
Dario Brando: Kazutaka Ozawa
Wang Chun: Jun Itoda
Tarkus: Yoshinori Sonobe
Bruford: Toru Nara

Two of those names are of very special interest, and I’m not talking about Yoshikage Zeppeli or Kamina Joestar. I’m talking about Kazutaka Ozawa and Jun Itoda. One of the things you may have also remembered about the Phantom Blood movie is that it was so condensed they [Edit: supposedly] forgot to put in Danny and Speedwagon. If you look next to Ozawa and Jun’s credits on the sections for Dario and Wang Chun, it says “Speedwagon” next to their names. This confused me to no end until I was able to look them up on Japanese Wikipedia and found out they they’re part of a comedy duo act called “Speed Wagon.” So, you see, the movie always had Speed Wagon. Just not Robert Edward O. Speedwagon.

Yeah, learning that didn’t make me any happier about the movie either.

(Thanks to JoJo’s Tumblr for reblogging the pictures from here)

“I heard your parents are dead.” Phantom Blood The Abridged Series Episode 1 Now Out!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Also known as Johnathan Joestar vs. Modern Culture.

This may end up being the quickest paced abridged series ever made what with Phantom Blood being nine episodes, but whatever. It’s not often that you get an abridged series with a line that makes you think, “Huh. Yeah, that’s exactly what I imagine he would say after that.” It’s a Dio line. You’ll know what it is when you hear it.

Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: Joe Gar’s App

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

Duwang subs have unfortunately fallen behind, so doing PRINCE KINGS isn’t as possible for new episodes, at least right now. But that doesn’t mean I want to leave you high and dry.

The PRINCE KINGS I’ve been picking have just been the ones that have made me laugh the most when I first see them, but it’s always tight competition. There’s at least a handful everytime before I decide which one to use. Since there are so many others, here’s a few runners up.

Dio shows that all education has practical applications if you know where to look.

Those six or so other bullets that hit him in the chest and pushed him out the window were a fluke!

With the power of the Ripple, you can turn things into other things while they’re still the same things.

When new subs are out, new PRINCE KINGS can emerge. Keep you posted.

Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: Victoryed 2

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2012/10/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

New JoJo’s, new DUWANG. We had some good lines this time, though there’s no awesome “translated” Roundabout due to the episode. Every DUWANG sub still has its treasures.

What? He didn’t even have to become a vampire for that tricks!

Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/10/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

DUWANG subs from their mysterious source continue to flow in to glorious effects. As long as it isn’t an issue,I’ll continue to link them here so you can share in the glory. Thank you to SA User Factor_VIII for the link the official ADTRW JoJo’s Anime thread.

As the DUWANGLES continue to be wonderful to experience I’ve decided to start a small little posting thing for fun: DUWANG Line of the Week, or Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING. Every new bad translation release of The Strange Journey of Joey JOjo will get a pick for best line. I’d like to do video but YouTube is giving me trouble, so maybe later.

For now the screen cap of the first winner

Joey JOJo will kick you in the groin of your crocth with his tree leg.

Look forward to more DUWANG PRINCE KINGs as the show progresses.

DUWANGLES and an Interview with Hirohiko Araki

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2012/10/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Well, now that the Phantom Blood anime is out nice and subbed, JoJo’s fandom can wake up into full swing. And it has in a glorious way. You’ll remember that we talked about the awesome translation of JoJo’s Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable? The wonderful DUWANG translations?

One of the more reasonable lines

Some wonderful individual has decided to sub at least the first episode of JoJo’s the Animation in this style.  It is glorious.

One of the more reasonable lines

I can only hope that this is a continuing trend and that we get a full set of “The Strange Journey of Joey JOjo.”

On top of that, Something Awful used Factor_VIII made me aware of this cool interview Hirohiko Araki did just before the Bandai Phantom Blood game came out.

Araki Hirohiko Interview [English Sub] by juxtapose31

(Sorry you’ll have to click the link. WP is giving me crap about embedding it.)

It’s really is cool to get into Hirohiko Araki’s head and see how he takes his own work both as he makes it and looking back on his old stuff. Especially because is art has changed so drastically over the years and volumes but also just the way the stories work now as opposed to back when JoJo’s started. It’s a great interview, and not just because you get to see Araki try to do JoJo’s poses. Give it a look.

For a more time appropriate interview, here’s an interview of Hirohiko Araki about the, at the time, upcoming JoJo’s Anime conducted by Shoko Nakagawa cosplaying as Jotaro Kujo. Yes.

Part 1

Part 2

There is a thrid part, but it doesn’t seem to have been put out yet. Hopefully we can get this adorable interview to you soon.

JoJo’s Episode 1 First impressions.

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , on 2012/10/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Well, we’ve gotten the chance to check out the first episode of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure the Animation, and I am pleasantly surprised. I was really worried about the animation and drawing quality, and while there are some hiccups and cheap tricks here and there, it’s actually handled pretty well. If it continues at this rate, we might have something pretty good on our hands. We’ll be doing the whole podcast by episode thing, but I’m still really happy about it and wanted to give a little preview about it for now.

We’ve currently got two subbing groups, GG and Get Back. If  you’re interested, go to them. But just a little visual style preview, check this out.

I like it, and so far I like this show.

JoJo’s the Animation with Subtitles and a Better Game Trailer

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/09/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

The anime community is quick on the ball to translate something I wanted to see. You remember the JoJo’s Animation trailer, now remember being able to know what was said during it.

Takehito Koyasu was an excellent pick for Dio. But that’s not all. Now we have a better look at the trailer for All Star Battle. It doesn’t have a Rohan cosplayer, but you can hear the voices better.

The game still looks interesting. I didn’t expect Gold Experience Requiem to be in the game since that seems a little unbalanced what with it being invincible, but maybe it’s just a power up ultra like when Makoto from Street Fighter gets a sunburn. More importantly, at least from this trailer since it isn’t gameplay, are that I can finally distinguish the voices well enough to comment on them. At first, I thought that everyone was fine except maybe Joseph, but I’m not sure anymore. Jotaro and Wham sound appropriately voiced, Jotaro being very calm and collected even when kicking ass and Wham sounding like he has a lot of authority and being calm inside that, but their actors don’t sound as into it as they should be. This may seem like a non sequitur, but did you ever see the Gurren Lagann parts of Super Robot Wars Z 2 – Saiseihen?

I’m getting the same feeling where the voice sounds right, but something is slightly off as though the actor wasn’t totally into it. Maybe it’ll be better when I’m playing the game itself. However, Joseph still sounds off. He doesn’t sound young or hot blooded enough to accidentally set off a volcano. That’s super robot levels of hot blood, so you have to bring you A game to that voice. Gyro is the only one I wasn’t at least somewhat bothered by.

Still looking forward to the game. Gyro’s horse has become the equivalent of The Big O’s piston punch because no matter how many flaws crop up in that game, stomping on people with a horse will save it just like the final move against Big Duo makes that whole show worth it.

Oh, and the pizza and mozzarella song and Gyro’s sweet 1800’s grill, obviously. Basically, I want this game for Gyro and no other reason.

Just try and find a better moment in JoJo’s than this. That’s what I thought.

Voice previews and official trailer for Jojo’s anime.

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/09/20 by doublegomez

Instead of screenshots like we have been getting, for once we actually have video previews of the upcoming Jojo’s material. First for the Anime:

Overall it looks pretty good, then again SpeedWagon does make anything and everything pretty good. The only real issue to put out there is that the animation that is put into the fights seems inconsistant. Johnathan getting punched in the face and SpeedWagon’s hat looked pretty alright, but Johnathan shoulder charging that bully wasn’t actually animated. Then again, it is a preview and it’s entirely possible that they are saving it for more important and longer fights. At least they fixed Dio’s “sharp” face. As for the game.

I love the guy on the right who’s cosplaying as Rohan. As for the actually game, I’m just really glad that they got a guy who sounds like Kiyoyuki Yanada, who voiced Jotaro in the first game. Actuall, all of the voices sounded pretty good, save for maybe Joseph. Not that his voice was bad, it just didn’t necessarily sound appropriate for a very hot-blooded young man. Then again, he and Mista are the only ones smart enough to bring a gun to the battle, so I can only fault Joseph so much.

You’ve got to love this year. It really is the best time to be a Jojo’s fan.