Archive for Giant Bomb

Looking at JoJo’s from a Fresh Perspective

Posted in JoJo's Year, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/05/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Do you consider yourself a JoJo’s aficionado? If you’re here, then you probably do on some level. There’s a lot that we in even in this fairly self aware fandom, as in all fandoms, have just come to accept. So it’s worthwhile to appreciate someone looking at it from the start. Sometimes those are bigger deal people like this little video from Giant Bomb on the new English release of ASB. Well, “little” is a misnomer with this being an hour. It’s all just a little testing ground of the game. You’ll see a lot of Jonathan since he’s probably the easiest to pick up on the fly. Also the English. Some of them, like the above, are creative, let’s call it.

Like normal, the site is giving me crap about embedding something not from YouTube, so you can follow the link here to see it. Give it a look. It’s an interesting experience. And don’t take it too seriously.