Archive for Gold Experience Slow Motion Punch

I’m Using the Laser Because You Get a Stand! The Old Joseph and Lisa Lisa Comprehensive Demo!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Very fast, this channel. These are some gameplay demos for our new ASB characters, Old Joseph and Lisa Lisa. The first one has both, but as he’s playing Joseph, it’s more a Joseph demo. Lisa Lisa is better demoed in the second video against Caeser. They play kind of like how I thought, though Lisa Lisa looks like she’s more target combo than I imagined. Sort of like Part 1 Dio, it looks like she based around linking together longer strings of smaller moves as opposed to the way I originally guessed where she’s be like Johnathan with very simple, strong combos. Joseph gets grapples with Hermit Purple and ripple breathing. His style is “Stand,” so I don’t know how he switches between them. It’s probably something like ↓↓ + Style.

On top of that, we also have both their HHA and GHA. Lisa Lisa gets a counter, which I didn’t expect. Also the “Your next words are…” taunts, the Gold Experience Punches where I think he punches the cigarette out of Lisa Lisa’s mouth that isn’t there, and Josuke’s hair mocking. They haven’t been translated yet, as far as I know right now, but I’ll append a translation to this later on or just link a video that has them. Whatever comes up.

[Edit: Just in case you haven’t seen it, NamcoBandai has uploaded an HQ version of PV 8 shown at TGS.]

Man, My Face Looks Dumb When I Punch Me

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

All right, I think this is the last post set like this where we have the unique dialogues or effects from someone’s something. I think. There might be something I’m forgetting or that may be introduced later on with DLC characters, but this is it for now. This is everyone’s mirror match dialogue with subtitles. Some of them are unfortunately a little generic. Jotaro, Dio, Cars, Abdul 1and a few others could all work in any other context, and Hol Horse 2’s could also work with Mista. The really good ones are Koichi 1 and Rohan 2. I like how much more exaggerated Koichi is than everyone else, and Rohan’s good with the “subtle” commentary about plot structure. This is also the first time I’ve seen the alternate Hermes costume. Didn’t expect the skirt.

Not the highest level of distortion on that one. Maybe Giorno has trouble doing it to his own face. This is the compilation video of all the close up/slow motion punches by Gold Experience. Pucci’s is kinda cool because GE has to gingerly hold Pucci’s cheek I guess so the gravity doesn’t let him get away. It looks so gentle before the slow dislocation of his jaw. Okuyasu has my favorite one, though, because he looks so sad and shocked as though he never expected to be punched by Giorno of all people. Come one Giorno. You used to be a bro, and now my face is on the other side of my head. Josuke’s going to be pissed that he has to fix this.