Archive for Gundam Z

SRW Z3 Tengoku Hen PV 1

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/12/15 by doublegomez

There is no such thing as too much robot action!

Alright it’s time for the ultimate super robot wars experience. I have never seen animation like this before in an SRW game. Some of the action looks just outright drawn and the moves look more forceful and smooth than ever before. During this PV there were times that I just sat there in awe. Most of the robot favorites will be returning in this, including but not limited to:

UC Gundams

Getter Robo Armageddon 

Aim for the Ace: Gunbuster

Dancouga/Dancouga Nova

Full Metal Panic/Fumoffu/The Books

Armor Trooper Votoms

And many many more.

It’s actually really impressive what they are doing here because it seems that the roster is staying about the same in terms of size, but the fight animations are just getting a complete overhaul. They are really pushing the graphics on this one. This looks like it will truly be the best Banpresto can make so I’m more than looking forward to it.

Super Robot Wars Z3 Tengoku-Hen will be released April 2.