Archive for Hierophant Green

Stardust Crusaders Episode 7 “Strength” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/16 by OnePixelJumpMan

So you remember the 6th episode of Stardust Crusdaers? Well, this being the 7th episode, it follows on from that one. And like that one, you can see the rest of the images at Yaraon.

Star Platinum Gives Me the Precision to Hit Bullseye Every Time!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

As with the suits, do you remember the JoJo brand dart fletching? I still consider it one of the weirder JoJo products in my time of looking up specifically weird  JoJo products, but it’s not so weird we can’t run with it and go even further. The first sets for Parts 1 and 2 were only the fletching. The Part 3 set have gotten all fancy and are the character print fletching, one for each of the 5 main party characters shown up to this point, with three darts made specially for each character’s stand. Each dart body is specially colored to the stand and each grip has both a unique shape and the name of the stand printed on it. (Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Abdul, Joseph)

The character packs with 3 complete darts will be ¥2,400 each and are supposed to launch towards the end of May. You can keep up with them here from Still Alive.

Stardust Crusaders Episode 3 “DIO’s Curse” Teasers, ED Confirmation, and Blu-ray Episode Count Confirmation!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/04/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Joseph Joestar knows how to look sharp regardless of dying family members

We’re a little busy with it being MTAC weekend, so this will be sparse, but I wasn’t going to leave you guys high and dry on JoJo’s Friday.

3 things: You can see the rest of the images at Yaraon as always; The ED has been confirmed as “Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles. I’ll get a video of the sequence as soon as I find it; and the Blu-rays this season will be 4 episodes per instead of 2. Thanks for posting that one JoJo thread.

We’ll get back to you soon with con photos. I’ve already found a Jotaro, so I’m considering this a success so far.

Stardust Crusaders Episode 2 “Who’s Judgement?!” Teasers and “Stand Proud” TV Ver. Video!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/04/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

“Oh, come on! That’s not even fridge material!”

There are more over on Yaraon including ones of the new OP sequence. But I imagine you’d like to see that one in motion.

You got it.

Your Subs, I’ll Be Their Judge! Jotaro Kujo Special PV and All Stardust Crusaders PVs Subbed!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/03/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

I don’t need to say anything, right? It’s Jotaro, it’s totally sweet, he’s totally sweet. Watching Star Platinum punching the shit out of Hierophant Green’s face was great. And you even get to see it with subs. If you’d like to see it clean, you can though the main site.

But as an added benefit for those that would like subs, the channel that did these, Joestar Journal, has all the trailers subbed. Have at it.

PVPVPVPVPVPVPVPVPV. Stardust Crusaders Noriaki Kakyoin Official PV!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/03/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Now this PV is interesting. Joseph and Abdul’s new voices were different but still relatively close to the same style as ASB. Kakyoin is the first to have a distinctly new voice style with it being much deeper. There’s also a lot more weight put into “Emerald Splash!” It’s an interesting change.

And it still looks good. Man, is the bud flesh much more gross looking than I remember, and Tower of Gray. It’s an interesting fight to pick to show off, but something like Death 13 might not give such a clear Emerald Splash to pretty up.

Almost there. We have one left to meet.

Stardust Crusaders Anime Stand Designs Special!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

The core cast of Part 3’s stands have been revealed. Although you probably already knew what they looked like, and they look about the same. Hierophant Green looks about dead on the same way he did in ASB. The only differences I can see are subtle color ones. Hermit Purple looks like it’s a little richer of a purple, and Magician’s Red looks closer to a peach color than I remember. That could be a scan quirk though. Magician’s Red does have a look on his face like he just remembered he left the stove on when Abdul called it out. I wonder why he needs one…

About 2 months left, everyone. It’s getting close.

(Images from Yaraon)

ASB League Quarter and Semi Final Full Fights

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Much faster. Maybe someone put these up early last week and I just never noticed until yesterday, but we now have a Nico video of the fights from today’s stream. [Edit 1: And also two YouTube videos now] This includes the Quarter and Semi final fights meaning that we are now in the finals. The last match will take place a week from today on ASB Launch Day.

I know the AI matches aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but these are actually not bad matches outside a few of the normal hiccups. No one can pass through Star Platinum’s Impenetrable Wall of Fists, and Kakyoin and Johnny continue to shoot like the CPU can’t decide if it wants them on auto-fire, but the exchanges are a lot more active. Dio manages to put the hamper on Kakyoin by warping to him. He’s up against the green stone wall with Kakyoin both shooting and effectively trapping him, but once he turns it around with his Knife Heat, he rallies like a train. That knife super really hurts.

Jotaro vs. Koichi has some decent exchanges, though it takes more than half of Koichi’s life bar to get there. You will hear more ORAORA than you have ever heard before, but once Koichi manages to get in, there’s some decent back and forth. It helps that watching Star Platinum’s grab where he holds the opponent up by the scruff of their neck and then hurls them into the ground is very satisfying.

Dio vs. Caeser was probably the best one, though. The speed, the fuck your projectiles attitude that Dio has, the time stop. It was nice. Dio stoms all over Caeser, but it’s nice to see their close up exchanges early on in the fight. The time stop is a good showing. They handled very well the way that it works with the opponent moving normally as their being hit but freezing after the damage animation is over. Good detailing.

And thus it comes down to the touch of destiny. The finals will be Jotaro vs. Dio for the crown of the JoJo’s Throne. The final match and the game itself run a week from now. You can also look forward to a video of the whole stream officially from NamcoBandai probably somewhere between Friday and Tuesday. I’ve heard there are some more fun host shenanigans.

[Edit 2]

There’s the shenanigans. The beginning part is them using Johnathan to show off Customize Mode, specifically the placing of sound effects. It looks like we won’t be able to make our own clouds. You have a set list of words/sounds you can pick from and can mess with their dimensions however you like. No covering Johnathan in 「ゴゴゴゴゴ」 it would seem, though that one is probably one you can pick form the list.

There are two bonus player “fights.” I say “fights” like that because these are being used for specific demoing of moves and features. Not that that’s a bad thing. You get to see Johnathan’s alternate outfit as inspired by that one manga cover as well as a few combos from him and Part 1 Dio. The big showing, though, is our first look at calling Stairway and C-Moon. The way it works in gameplay is sort of like King Crimson in the Part 5 game seemingly without a time limit. Pucci and Stairway move at normal speed where the opponent moves at something like half speed. They can presumably fight back, but they are offensively gimped. It’s the reward for the difficulty of pulling it off. On top of being a giant target while doing that floating away, you also have to build the Green Baby meter up to call C-Moon in the first place. Pucci does have a move to build it, and C-Moon does persist between matches, so I see it being used for claiming match point if it doesn’t end up being too cumbersome.

ASB League Group G Full Fights

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Normally Nico, but if someone’s willing to upload to YouTube, who am I to complain? The video’s even nice enough to get straight to the fight.

Group G is made up of all our new characters, PB Dio, Pucci, Kawajiri, and Valentine, and the character brought back in by popularity poll, none other than Noriaki “Cherry Roller” Kakyoin. If anyone was going to be voted back in, I can’t really be surprised at Kakyoin. The downside is that means we are in Projectile City. Only Dio doesn’t have a regular projectile. He does have Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, but that’s only a super. It does seem to be his way of dealing with projectile characters, but only so he can hold them long enough to get into their guard. A lot of what you’ll see in these fights are air ball bombs, pistols, emeralds, and whatever it is that Pucci’s throwing. It’s unfortunate because, as you’ll see, all the characters also do decently without having to resort to that. I was almost surprised at how well Kakyoin did in short range, but he does all right. They just won’t get close except for Dio.

There are lots of little quirks to discuss. Pucci first. He does start fights counting prime numbers and always seems to start at 41. His removal of the stand disc does cause the same twitching that Rohan and Heaven’s Door cause. He does seem to be geared towards close range with a small projectile just to keep his mid-range options open. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see C-Moon or Stairway in these fights, so I’m not sure how they’ll play. It may be that setting them up is hard, but I suspect that the characters wanting to rely on projectiles probably made it less likely.

Valentine next. Again, he’s very reliant on his pistol in these fights, but his main trick is voiding attacks. His primary ultra in this fight is a counter, and he can make himself intangible by hiding in the flag, which also allows him to move around to get out of being hit. It’s an interesting idea, and I expected warping from him. He always seems to introduce himself with his stand’s full name, but he does call it with D4C.

I want to talk about Kawajiri, but he’s pretty much all about the Stray Cat bombs. He does have a counter ultra, which I expect is meant to deal with anyone who gets inside his shield of bombs, but that’s pretty much it outside a token rapid punch. So let’s move onto Dio. He doesn’t have any shots outside Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, so he’s geared towards close range fighting almost entirely. His ultra where he freezes you is actually blockable despite looking like a grab. Other than that, we mostly see him throwing out some normal combos. As this game is a descendent of Heritage for the Future, combos don’t seem to get too long when you’re doing normal hits, but he does get in some good ones.

That’s it for the preliminaries of ASB League. We now have the real tournament in front of us. The channel only lists the date of the game’s release, so we may be waiting until then to see it. Those of us on this side may be using that to tide over our appetites before we get the full game.

ASB League Groups E and F Full Fights

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

I didn’t pick up on it before, like most of the time with these, but now I know why Hermes seems less geared towards overuse of her stand. It’s not because she’s not going hog wild with it. It’s because unlike a lot of the other stands that have ORAORA that the user fires off, KISS attacks to enhance what Hermes is doing. If she slide kicks, which you’ll see a lot, KISS will too. If she punches, it will and maybe follow up with a short combo. I actually think that works and looks better in general.

I’m a little busy today, so I can’t come in with my full “pretend I know what fighting games are” analysis at the moment, but I wanted to post the video since that’s the important part.