Archive for Hiroshi Nagahama

Mushishi S2 Episode 10 “The Bottom of Winter” Preview Image and Synopsis and Special Annoucement

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2014/06/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

A mountain that refuses spring. The endless fall of snow and life that does not wake from hibernation. The master of the mountain’s intention… it is as though it is waiting for death.

So about that special announcement. According to the main news feed of the site, this is going to be the last episode of the broadcast. There are two more episodes in the season, but this is going to be “the last episode of the cour.” I didn’t see anything on the creator twitter, so I’m not sure what the intention is.

Either way, this “last” episode is going to be storyboarded by Nagahama and directed by Sohtome.


Mushishi S2 Episode 9 “Valley in the Tide” Preview Image and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , on 2014/06/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

A village that praises the harvest during the snowy season. A man who works the fields without sleep continues that back breaking labor. For the sake of his family. For the sake of his blood.

This time we get two credits possibly because I waited long enough for there to be two. Nagahama is storyboarding, and Geshi is directing.

(Image from © Yuki Urushibara, Kodansha, Aniplex, and ArtLand)


Mushishi S2 Episode 8 “Rising Breeze” Preview Image and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , on 2014/05/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

A ship’s sail begins to rock on a calm sea. A boy who can call out to the “mushi” and make the sail sway. For the sake of his life. For the sake of seeing land.

This episode only has a storyboarder so far, and it’s Nagahama. I wonder if they’ll add more later.

(Image from © Yuki Urushibara, Kodansha, Aniplex, and ArtLand)



Mushishi S2 Episode 6 “Illusion Flower” Preview Image and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2014/05/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

Before the branches a flooded with an endless sea of colors, people are mezmirised by the beauty of spring. There is someone who wants to stop that who walks towards danger unaware. For whom is that fickle flower in bloom?

Hey, we a new guy. By which I mean new to S2. The storyboarder is Nagahama, so it’s not him. The AD is Noboru Sugimitsu from the first episode this season and several in the first season. The new guy is the director, Ryo Miyata. But he was a part of the first season, so “new” in a loose sense.

(Image from © Yuki Urushibara, Kodansha, Aniplex, and ArtLand)

Mushi-Shi S2 Episode 3 “Under the Snow” Preview Image and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2014/04/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

Above a man’s head, the snow is always dancing. And that frozen thing that’s always controlled that man has never been able to erase his memories: The winter memories with his younger sister.

Our storyboarder is an interesting person this time. Hiroshi Nagahama, the series director, is taking the role again from Episode 1. Our Director is also interesting, though for a very different reason. Yasuhiro Geshi‘s most notable director jobs come from either very heavy material, like Berserk, or much more over the top thing, like Getter Robo. Then we have the fairly normal Mitsuko Baba, an AD for 7 episodes of Series 1.

(Image from © Yuki Urushibara, Kodansha, Aniplex, and ArtLand)