Archive for Houka Inumuta

Kill la Kill Episode 10 “I Want to Know More About You” 30 Second PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , on 2013/12/02 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s time for the battle with computer man Inumuta, or is it? The big pink and white speakers look more like they would be Nonon’s thing than his. It’s possible that they could fight in tandem, though that would immediately go against Satsuki’s arrangement for this little tournament. Based on the title and the data gathering thing Inumuta has going for him, it’s possible he’ll forego his turn so he can gather data on Ryuko while everyone else fights her, though you’d think you’d see evidence of that while Goori was fighting. It could be because Senketsu did that spike thing before, and Inumuta realizes there’s more data to gather, or it could be that the title is about the audience because Inumuta and Nonon are the Elite Four members we know the least about. It wouldn’t be beyond Trigger to write based on the audience’s expectations of them.

Regardless, I hope that the above is also them messing with Goori x Mako becoming a thing and indicative of absolutely nothing.