Archive for JoJo Blu-ray Bonus

Stardust Crusaders Blu-ray Vol. 1 to Launch July 30th!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , on 2014/06/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Time to finally learn the details of these little goodies. The first Stardust Crusaders blu-rays have finally made an appearance on the main site with all their special bonuses laid out. Each disk will contain 4 episodes, this one has the first four of course. There are six total, and if you buy all six, there is a special bonus figure from Di Moltobene that there isn’t of a picture of yet. This specific disk’s early run copies come with the special JoJo raDIO CD and the storyboard booklet from Episode 1 that you see in the image. Each disk will be ¥9,500 from various vendors each with their own bonuses.

Each disk is launching a little less than a month apart, so see you in a few weeks for the next one!

(Image from © Hirohiko Araki, LUCKYLAND, Shueisha, Warner Brothers, and the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Production Committee)

Assistance Please! Help with the JoJo Season 1 Blu-ray Super Bonus!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , on 2013/11/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

Past season one, we gleefully bide our time between now and Stardust Crusaders. Some of you might be doing it with the blu-rays and their apparently quite good English subtitles. Did anyone happen to get them all? I wasn’t able to because the investment is way too steep for me, but if you did, you would have gotten all the vouchers necessary to collect the special figure above. It’s a unique figure offered as a bonus to everyone who bought every blu-ray.

Well, someone sent me an email asking if I knew a way for them to send the vouchers in and get the figure because it would be an international ship. I didn’t think it would be a problem for them to do an international ship on the figure, but that may not be the case and this person is running low on options as for how to get it. If anyone has gotten the figure or at least sent in for it, please leave instructions either as a comment on in an email so I can help this person out. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

JoJo Blu-ray Vol. 6 Art and the JoJo Blu-ray Ultimate Bonus

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

Once again, it’s about time for a new volume of the JoJo Blu-rays to come out. This new set comes in a lovely red with a lovely ACDC and Lisa Lisa duet on the front. This disc covers episodes 16 through 18, from Joseph and Caeser’s training at Lisa Lisa’s castle to Cars’s encounter with Stroheim. The unique bonus that comes with it is the original design t-shirt you see there.

Second, do you remember the Johnathan and Dio art card that was displayed with every volume of the blu-rays? That is the concept art for a figure that will be used as the bonus for buying the whole set of Blu-rays.

The image comes from the JoJo Anime Twitter hot off the heals of their recent JoJo raDIO event. I hadn’t thought about how they’d have to account for scaling since the concept art uses manga proportions, but the figure looks pretty nice. It’s a Medicos figure, so it will likely be a high quality item, though there’s no information for it that I can find on their website. How it will be distributed, I’m not sure. Maybe maybe you have to get all of the blu-ray box tops and send them into davidproduction.

Vol. 6 launches on Friday, and our next launch is the 26th of next month.

(Images from JoJo.Anime and JoJo Anime Twitter. © Hirohiko Araki, LUCKYLAND Communications, Shueisha, davidproduction, Warner Bros., and Medicos Entertainment Ltd.)