Archive for JoJo Food

The Joy of JoJo Cooking Part 2: Delicious Tendencies

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2014/02/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

There’s a lot of precedence for JoJo themed cooking beyond one man from Italy. There’s way more than only one man from Italy, after all, so there’s plenty of cooking opportunities. The above is a cooking video for making a special Italian espresso like what Gyro and Johnny shared on the road guaranteed to give an instant jolt to a tired body.

This can be considered more of an addendum. Last time, I tried my hand at translating the mozzarella and tomato salad recipe, but without images, it felt a little rough. This guide has a fully visual guide for the ingredients and preparing the dish with the accompanying special bread. The steps are in Japanese, but each picture is detailed enough to let you know how much of what to use to make what.

But don’t feel like this is an adult’s only cook book. Someone also put to paper the special baby food made by Joseph:

  1. Cut off the crusts of a piece of white bread, then mince into 5mm pieces.
  2. Cut a banana in half
  3. Put this all in a baby dish and add 20 – 40ccs of formula/milk and a bit of water
  4. Infuse the mixture with your ripple power for 20 seconds (by using a microwave)
  5. Once it’s become a little thicker, mash and stir the mixture

Simple enough, and Polnareff was supposed to have liked it. With a little tweaking, you could probably make it into a banana/bread pudding.

There’s a number of other JoJo foods you can find here, though most of them don’t deal with recipes, just similar foods and places you can get them like gyros or salami. Good luck looking or good luck in the kitchen!

A Race Across All JoJo Fandom! JoJo Royale!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

I had no idea this was going on or I would have posted about it immediately.

The JoJo Royale is a world wide JoJo fan contest being run through their Google Plus based site. Contests Stages and general JoJo news is released there regularly in both Japanese and English. The contest legs are Stages with each stage being a different competition with some amazing prizes from Araki drawings to replica manga items made for the JoJo Exhibit.

Stage 1 was a Question Sheet that you had to fill out and take a picture or scan of for entry. Unfortunately, the English version of the sheet is no longer available, so I can’t tell you what it was. It was a question and then a drawing box. Here’s the Winning Entry linking to a gallery of the entries. The prize was this Araki drawn picture of Rohan.

Stage 2 was a JoJo’s Posing Contest. It was female posers only, but male participants could take pictures of women they knew doing JoJo poses. Here’s the Winning Entry. The prize was this replica Stone Mask.

But more importantly, here’s a posing baby with the gallery of other entries.

Stage 3 was a cooking contest. Cook a JoJo’s themed food and take a picture for entry. Anything JoJo’s was accepted, and man did people get creative. Here’s the Winning Entry. The prize seems to be a few of the signs from the JoJo Exhibit: 1 2 3

But there’s something about this entry’s personality that I just love.

Stage 4 is maybe the coolest Stage so far. They recreated the Daniel Darby Cat Guessing Game with a real cat.

And if you resisted the urge to just post GOOD and posted the correct answer that was revealed in this video:

You won. I have no idea how they distinguished the absolute winning entry, especially since the prize seems to be a replica LUCK&PLUCK sword, but the video recreating that cat was a really cool addition.

Finally, we catch up to the contest at Stage 5. You have to write your wishes for the future of JoJo’s on an Ena, take a picture, and send it in. If you can’t find Ena where you live, it’s also fine to just write on a board. Once again, there are no language barriers, and the contest prize is a replica of the Bow and Arrow.

So that’s the ongoing contest. More Stages will be revealed as we move through, and there’s no barrier to entry other than being a part of Google Plus so you can post your entries for the Stage on the JoJo Royale Google Plus site. Not a big fence, and these are some cool prizes. I encourage everyone who can to enter, and give this contest the best JoJo’s fans across the world can give! Here’s the page where you can post your entries for Stage 5. Good luck!

(All images from the Google Plus site and the official JoJo Royale site. Credit goes to them and contest participants.)