Archive for JoJo’s AMV

Bizzarre Avventure 2000: A Story of GioGio

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , on 2013/12/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s been about a year since the last time this guy came up. Remember the super impressive Part 4 AMV made almost entirely of manga pieces? The same guy is back to bring you another really impressive use of still image animation. Seriously, he manages to out animate some of the shows I’ve tried out this year just in the movement he manages to put into Giorno’s hair, especially when he gets Gold Experience Requiem. Throw in a few MUDAMUDA moments and overlay a SOUL’D OUT song I don’t know by name, and you’re good to go.

ASB DVD, League Quarter and Semi Final Brackets, JoJo’s Storms the Periodic Table, and Recursive AMVs

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Lots of news, mostly ASB, but very scattered. Let’s start at the beginning with the news that isn’t ASB related.

This is in this September’s Issue of Ultra Jump, and it is also the only details we have on it. The Araki-JoJo twitter just mentions JoJonium and this picture with a promise that full on details will come along later. An artbook? An event? We have no idea. It’s just something to spike your curiosity.

News 2: Also in this Ultra Jump is either a packed in or just the announcement of a special ASB DVD containing a billed 100 minutes of footage. There will be:

  • Public appearance of the game’s opening movie
  • PVs 1 – 5
  • ASB League’s Group Lotto drawing episodes as well as the A and B group episode
  • Development Staff fight videos

I’m guessing that some people already have this DVD, and that’s why we’ve already gotten videos of the OP.

News 3: Speaking of the OP, how do you feel about it? I’ve seen some shakey comments, noting it being fine but not up to the “four month” development it supposedly took. To that end, someone decided to jazz it up a little as a JoJo OP AMV mash up. The slightly upbeat jazz music has been replaced with both “Sono Chi no Sadame” and “Bloody Stream,” because why not both. One plays after the other, so you can stick to the OP of your choice.

News 4: Finally found a video for the full ASB fights that took place back on the 14th. The day after tomorrow will have both the quarter and semi finals, and the culmination of the league is on launch day. I have no idea what happens when someone wins. I’m really hoping, this being a web show and all, that whoever wins has a cosplayer come on the show that will then be lauded and declared the King of JoJo. If you’re interested, make sure and check out the UStream channel.

[Edit/News 5:]

I’ll just append this one on here since it’s not too big on its own. This is another video from the ASBL show where the hosts are examining the gameplay. I’m not sure if they’re actually watching it on that laptop, but I’d assume these are also probably AI matches. [Edit 2: I would be wrong to do so, though. These are apparently real matches] If you need a few extra fights, there are some here. You’ll also get to see a successful Star Finger and the Situation Finish for the train station. Getting road hauled via a hook in your heart. Pretty rough.