Archive for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle Character Confirmation

“How Can You Dismantle What Doesn’t Exist!?” The Anasui and Vanilla Ice V-Jump Scan

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s weird to post like this, but I haven’t seen the scan in any other way. Pucci has a good theme, so whatever.

Vanilla Ice and Anasui. Slowly stepping our way through the rest of the DLC as we work off our whole new batch of costumes from Lisa Lisa and Old Joseph and hope that anyone who didn’t get a new one will this time. These spreads always bring out interested design elements I’d never considered. I always pictured Diver Down being a pinkish color instead of an aqua green, and never considered that the sectioning off of its hips were supposed to be a speedo. Cream, on the other hand, looks exactly how I always pictured it, though designs back then were less nuts.

I always default to it, but if anyone was going to have trap moves, Anasui has to be that person. It was one of Diver Down’s key abilities. His GHA will certainly involve him using Dive Down on the opponent and doing a bunch of damage by messing with their insides. He might also have warping and be based around attack voiding, kind of like what Valentine does with his flag, since DD can also pull that. For Vanilla Ice, I mostly wonder if he can be in the void generally or if that’s only for special moves. His GHA will probably be the attack that killed Abdul, though I could see them using kicked up sand, like with Polnareff, for visual effect. There’s probably going to be a secret mission where you have to stab him in the face, so if he can be in the void, his face will probably be exposed when not attacking. Seems reasonable if you can hit him, though I don’t know if they’ll make him be knocked out of it by that. We’ll see.

Fine, Mom, I Won’t Call You Old Anymore. Old Joseph and Lisa Lisa Confirmed for ASB!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/09/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

Looks legit to me. There’s your Lisa Lisa and Part 3 Joseph ready for ASB. This opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities. What will Joseph predict that Joseph will say? We’ll finally get to see Lisa Lisa not get totally punked by Cars. Will we finally get a new Abdul costume? With the reveal of these two characters, does that mean that list from before is right? These two were announced during that, though the timing is off. Actually, I don’t see a date listed on there, though in the left corner it looks like it says 10/12, and the right side under Lisa Lisa decidedly says “4th Anasui and Vanilla Ice. 5th Baoh.” So it could be.

As for the two themselves, it’s like the normal spread where there isn’t a lot about them. Joseph I see fighting like a grappling character. Hermit Purple would be well suited to long range grabs. He’ll probably have that move that Jolyne and Kakyoin have where they put part of their stand in the ground as a trap and a move like what they have where their stands, and ACDC with his veins, go along the ground and trips up the enemy. Speaking of, I wonder how this Joseph will react to the Pillar Men. Lisa Lisa I see being pretty straight forward and fighting like Will and Johnathan do. I don’t think she’ll be the tricky type like Part 2 Joseph or projectile heavy like Caeser. I’m worried she won’t end up having a lot of moves to do, like Fugo kinda feels, since she didn’t have much over all combat. Her GHA will probably be the move she killed Wired Beck with.

If we find out the date, I’ll let you know. Same with the Famitsu special.

The Virus Will Destroy You from Withi- Hey, This is Just a Sand Statue! Fugo and Iggy Announced as DLC!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

Iggy! That’s pretty cool. He was a key lacking part of the Part 3 cast from this game. And Fugo! He’s an interesting pick considering he was a character Araki thought was too powerful to keep in the story. Both are good for setting precedent as well since another Part 3 charactere means there’s still potential for Vanilla Ice, and another Part 5 character means there’s still a chance for Risotto, Trish, and/or Pesci.

Not a lot of information on them outside the images themselves. Purple Haze looks differently colored than how I’d thought, largely due to it not seeming to having any purple in it like some of its figures. The Fool looks exactly like I remember it down to that very pose. Other than that, there’s not a whole of information about the two on this page. Iggy will be straight-forward and probably work similar to how he did the Part 3 game. I’m not sure how they’re going to handle hitting him since he’s so small, but they may make The Fool also take damage for him and break apart when you hit it. Purple Haze may end up working similar to how we’ve seen KISS work with Hermes. I’m basing that on the Part 5 game where it was a slower stand type with chargeable punches. Purple Haze may follow along with Fugo to enhance his attacks and also have some slower moves where it acts on its own with its virus knuckle caps. The GHA will almost certainly be the opponent being devoured by the virus.

Let’s see. If DLC character prices are consistent, then this game now costs $16 more than it did when we started if you preordered and get Kira for free. If not, then it’s already up to $24 extra. How much farther can we take it? How much further is everyone willing to go for the DLC characters? CC2, I shake my fist impotently at you before falling down and shelling out. Especially if you announce FF.

Oh, and I’ve also heard a rumor they’re going to include Baoh. Having him fight Cars might be interesting.

I Put a Punch in Your Cloud Suit. ASB DLC Characters Anasui and Weather Report Announced

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

And there goes my idea that stage hazard characters wouldn’t be used for playable characters. I guess Dio was part of the Cairo stage hazard, so maybe that was never a big deal anyway, but I still wasn’t banking on Weather Report. Anasui was in the bag, though. He’s had an announced voice actor, Yuichi Nakamura, for a while now. I don’t see one listed for Wes, though it might just be too blurry to make out wherever it’s written. But with stage background characters open, that means any you’ve seen back there are fair game. I figured Speedwagon might not be in because he’s both a major announcer character and part of a stage, but with this and the potential eight characters per part, he’s probably going to be in at some point.

As for what you can see of the two, you can see WR’s cloud suit. I can’t tell if it’s being used as part of an ultra, but I think it would be a sort of buffing ultra. That, or a hazard all to himself. You do the cloud suit ultra, then the opponent loses health slowly since there’s no oxygen. The high oxygen concentration fires will definitely make it in, and Heavy Weather is bound to by Great Heat. I have no idea what’s going on with Diver Down. You can see it doing a rush, but I don’t know what’s happening in the other picture. I say traps most every time, but that actually was Diver Down’s power. It may also be used for warping and voiding like Valentine since he can also hide in objects or people. His Great Heat will probably be placing DD inside the opponent and messing them up.

That gives us five Stone Ocean characters. I’m still waiting on F.F., but I’m sure all in due time.

[Edit: Digging around in the same internet holes that brought me this picture is also starting to bring me some dissent about the picture not being real. I’m still seeing a similar amount of people going in for it, that is an Anasui pose straight from the manga, Anasui still does have a listed voice actor across a few sources and there’s old rumblings about it in the Japanese blogosphere, and the print looks like a print that listed Fatty. I guess an ambitious enough fan prankster could fake a few things like that, so if I’m wrong and this is a fake announcement, I’ll let you know.]

Now Steal a Character Slot for Me! Fatty Joins the ASB Character List?

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , on 2013/08/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

Huh. Fatty, eh? There’s a gag picture over his his face, but that’s Fatty and Harvest, no question. That little blue splash under his foot says “DL Contents and Campaign Mode Part 1 Open to the Public.” I’m not sure if “DL” means “Download,” as though Fatty will be a DLC character. That makes sense. Fatty’s an interesting addition, but not really front row character material, especially since everyone’s still reeling from the lack of Diego. If he isn’t DLC, then this might be set up to smack us with Diego right at the end. If it isn’t that and Fatty’s in but Diego isn’t, I imagine a very unhappy western JoJo fandom.

I have no idea how Yangu Shigekiyo will actually work as a character. I usually default to traps when guessing because lots of characters have abilities that make sense for that, and Fatty’s not too different, I guess. He’ll definitely have the move where Harvest makes you drunk. There can be a move where he makes a bunch of them trip you. The ultra just looks like he has them swarm you. Other than that, I’m not sure at all. Maybe they can have a cool move where he steals from your Heat Gauge.

I’m drawing a blank on this one. That thing on the left is that you can have any of the 8 main characters as the wallpaper on your PS3. I’m not sure what the stuff on the bottom is. Keep your eyes peeled for a better scan and maybe some clarification.

I Come from Another World Bearing Another Kira! The Valentine and Kosaku Spread!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

You can click the picture to see a larger, higher res picture generously provided by Giorno down in the comments.

Yay. Ever since Pucci was brought out, I’ve been waiting for Valentine. Since this is an ultimate JoJo’s super cross dimensional crossover fight, he makes the most sense to me as the ultimate boss. If there was a game story mode rather than a story mode based on the manga, I figure he would be the final boss considering his power. And look who he brought. From since he was announced, Kira as a DLC character was a point of contention, but now we’ve got a Kira packed in. You can see to the left that he’s got Stray Cat in Killer Queen’s stomach, so he’s shifted to a more projectile based character. That may not bode well for his usefulness in this game, but it’s good to see the full Kira power set in this game.

This announcement’s coming up pretty close to the beginning of August. I would say that we’re too close to the game’s launch to be getting any more new characters, but who knows? There’s still time for a few extras.

When the translated version of the page comes out, I’ll let you know.

All Star Battle League Subbed

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

The new ASB commercial in full HD with the explanation of the rules is here now for you to be able to read in English. The video calls itself “2/2,” though I don’t know what the “1/2” would be, and I can’t find it on the same channel. All the same, you can now hear the rules of ASB League straight from the hosts’ mouths and know what all the characters had to say during their brief intro. I particularly like Johnny’s, being so courteous and grateful to a person he’s going to beat the shit out of, and Hol Horse’s, pontificating on the importance of being cordial to all women equally.


Also, this trailer has resulted in maybe my favorite ASB image so far.

Presenting Gyro Zeppeli as voiced by Shinichiro Miki

“Is that ‘riiii’ spelled with a ‘w’ or a ‘u,’ Lord Dio?” Part 1 Dio and Enrico Pucci Announced!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

(Edit 2.5: Got a new picture from JoJo F2C, then immediately found the translated HQ version from HurricaneCrew. You can see the Double Dio now, and Pucci’s stands are now much easier to see. You can also read it.)

Against my expectations, we’ve got Dio Number 2. Or is that Dio Number 1? I guess it doesn’t really matter, but that’s another big time character set, and he brought a friend. Now we’ve started fleshing out Part 6, though Part 1 Dio’s announcement might overshadow that slightly.He’ll likely be called “Dio Brando” in kana to contrast “DIO” of Part 3.

If you look in the corner under Pucci, you can see both Whitesnake and Made in Heaven, as it will probably be called. Because of that, playing as Pucci should let you use Made in Heaven in direct combat instead of as an ultra or something like I figured it would work. How will that work? Will Pucci get crazy fast and teleport around insanely? Will it do something to the round clock? What if you turn the round clock off? I also can’t discern C-Moon in there, but it probably is. (Edit: Someone pointed out the text that actually says C-Moon right over him. It’s being slightly swallowed by the glare right of MIH.) That’s going to be hard to fight.

Also, NamcoBandai put out a new video as a commercial for ASB League. There’s also a character trailer during it’s second part, which is the bulk of the video. It’s a massive comprehensive collection of everyone we’ve seen up until this point and a little bit extra on characters we haven’t seen in a while. I had forgotten that Kakyoin had his move where Hierophant goes inside your body, and that Okuyasu has a move where The Hand just keeps stomping on you for a minute. Very cool, just like how Speedwagon withdraws at the end of the video.

Arrivederci and Have a Good Flight. Bruno, Narancia, and Diavolo Confirmed for ASB!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Finally! I’ve been waiting on Bruno since this game was announced. The information is a little lacking this time. I can’t really tell what’s going on in those pictures other than the one of Bruno in the dramatic ducking pose, and I’m not solid enough to completely tell what the quotes next to them are, Diavolo is saying something along the lines of “Truth/Certainty will vanish,” Bruno is calling out defiantly and saying something like, “You’ll never understand my heart,” and Narancia is asking for orders.

But whatever. Bruno! Diavolo and Narancia are cool too. I figured Diavolo because of the Protagonist/Villain set up, which means I’m still expecting Enrico and Funny Valentine before the end of summer, but I was shaky on Narancia. He was ultra powerful during the original Part 5 game, so I was worried they might balk on using him, but if Giorno gets an instant kill, why the hell not?

Well, I found my character. I don’t even care if Bruno ends up being the worst character from a fighting game perspective. I’ll still be playing the hell out of him.

As a bonus, HC has released high quality scans of the Kira, Rohan, and Cars pages with a full blown translation. It’s a lot of material, so I’ll just link you over, but it contains info on the characters, a bit about their moves, and also about the new stage, the Yoshikage Home.

I’m on pins and needles for the next special. Look forward to it.

Only One Can Stand on My Intro Page, but I’ll Hang Around on Yours. Cars and Rohan Confimred for ASB!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

Oh, my. Cars I knew was coming. Rohan I didn’t expect at all. Also, Kira, but you’re not seeing any new stuff from him.

First off, some direct quotes from the Cars page translated by someone and then posted in the JoJo thread (Edit 3: Found out later that these came from Hurricane Crew):

Situation Finish: In certain stages, you can finish an opponent in a certain way and a special cutscene is triggered. Joseph’s fight with Wham is pictured.
Rush Mode: Something similar to Blazing Fist matches.
AND CUSTOMIZE, not only for costumes, you can also change the words and SFX of their victory poses.
At the bottom it says “There will be something special presented next issue. Wait and ‘wiiin wiiiin.'”

Left text near the two smaller pictures:
Before Evolution, Kars will manipulate his blades to rip up his opponent.

Text near flying Kars:
After Evolution… Kars seems so divine!

I don’t know what the special announcement will be. It could be anything from a general gameplay exposé to an interview with someone on the team. I imagine the “Situation Finish” effect was inspired by that they knew that people would want to recreate famous fights in JoJo’s, so they just said, “Let’s make it so that you can actually do that.”

The spreads so far aren’t super informative about the characters. Cars works the way we’ve expected, 1: Hit with blades, 2: Turn into a god and kill people with squirrels and piranhas. Rohan is who I’m really interested in because I was convinced they wouldn’t be able to work him in. There are some things that Heaven’s Gate can do, there’s an easy grab move in “Fly Backwards at 60kph,” and maybe the “You cannot attack Rohan Kishibe” could work as a status effect, but the possibilities are both vast and confusing. (Edit 4: According to a different HC post, Rohan is confirmed to have this move.) There’s a lot of stuff I could see happening with Rohan that would be super broken, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Most of the text on the Rohan page is too small for me to read, but the light yellow text in the left box I think says, “The Three New Great Systems of ‘Reality,'” so that’s probably some more gameplay elements like in the quote from before, and Cars and Kira on the right are being called, “2 Big Bosses,” and that’s just kinda cool. (Edit: At least I couldn’t see it on my older monitor. On my phone, I can. The block with “Three New Great Systems” says the same thing as it does in the Cars spread with customize and all that.) (Edit 2: Also, I found a bigger version of the Rohan spread through Yaraon on someone’s, I think their name is Yang Kanda/yang_xyz, twitter. I don’t know who that is, but they have that spread and now the Rohan image here links to it.)

You know what to look forward too. Also the special announcement, so excitement is high!