Archive for JoJo’s Blu-ray All Volumes Bonus Help

Assistance Please! Help with the JoJo Season 1 Blu-ray Super Bonus!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , on 2013/11/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

Past season one, we gleefully bide our time between now and Stardust Crusaders. Some of you might be doing it with the blu-rays and their apparently quite good English subtitles. Did anyone happen to get them all? I wasn’t able to because the investment is way too steep for me, but if you did, you would have gotten all the vouchers necessary to collect the special figure above. It’s a unique figure offered as a bonus to everyone who bought every blu-ray.

Well, someone sent me an email asking if I knew a way for them to send the vouchers in and get the figure because it would be an international ship. I didn’t think it would be a problem for them to do an international ship on the figure, but that may not be the case and this person is running low on options as for how to get it. If anyone has gotten the figure or at least sent in for it, please leave instructions either as a comment on in an email so I can help this person out. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.