Archive for JoJo’s Doujinshi

“And now watch as I pull a spinning rabbit out of this hat.” Little by Little 2

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

Back for more fun, there’s a new chapter/edition of Little by Little up on Batoto. Virgina Room brings you another chapter of JoJo’s fun with a few quick jokes to bring you a smile and a good laugh.

There’s a different spread of content this time. The first issue had around two or three jokes per part with a little extra like the Joseph Finisher Rhyme-Off. This issue actually has a full on Part 2 story about Caeser’s and Joseph’s training days where Joseph climbed out of the Hell Climb pit only to be pushed back in every day. There’s also a lot more Part 4 gags.

Something about this makes me feel like I should be creeped out.

And we got to expand into full on Parts 7 and 8 jokes.

The only downside is that the issue cuts down in other areas. There’s only the one Part 5 joke and no Part 6 material at all other than a splash page of Jolyne. There’s also no new cross story interactions like the quiz show in the first one, but the jokes are still good and the art is still pretty nice. If you liked the first, you’ll like the second. And you can trust me on that.

I pledge to you that my taste is and will remain both honest and sanitary.

(Thanks to Little by Little‘s translator, Monocle, for sending me the link to the new issue.)

Stroheim, AWAY! “Little by Little” Translated

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

A mysterious and anonymous translator has put out a translation of the JoJo’s doujin “Little by Little.” Made by the Virgina Room doujin circle by Virginia Nitouhei for Golden Blood back in 2011, it’s a short manga of one-off gags for all the JoJo characters and parts. A lot of the good jokes are based on quick visual gags.

And a lot of the really good jokes are somewhere between quick visual gag and something you’re almost surprised Araki didn’t try himself.

For real. That this didn’t happen in Part 2 shocks me.

I would say this is maybe what would happen if the guys who made Cromartie were tasked to make a JoJo manga. The absurdity is at least on that level, and its humor is so charming while it catches you off guard. The gags are almost perfect to that style of humor both visually and idea wise. It’s easier to picture if you imagine that Freddie riding Mechazawa is catching Joseph instead of Stroheim. He’s not helping. He’s just sort of there.

Also if you replace Jotaro with a gorilla.

Not all of the jokes are perfect. The ones using the Part 5 characters don’t make sense to me because it’s a Japanese culture joke I’m not privy to. Something about Nagoya and Sendai citizens making certain sounds? I’m sure the joke works, it’s just not something I understand. The jokes at Part 5’s expense, however…

Throw in a dick and bondage joke or two and you’re good to go. So go give it a look. It’s up on Batoto if you follow the link at the top and the one I’ll put at the bottom in the “Where this stuff came from” line. It’s a fun time. Also, keep in mind that this came from the Golden Blood event. Next time that comes around, you might consider getting something from it.

(All images from Batoto. Read the whole manga there.)

Orders for Golden Blood 9 Being Accepted Now

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , on 2012/12/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

I assume that if you’ve gotten to this place, you’re probably a big enough anime nerd to know that selling doujinshi, essentially fan comics, is legal and fine in Japan. Comiket, a whole weekend convention based around doujin authors and artists selling their work, starts tomorrow. But apparently the biggest doujin convention worldwide isn’t good enough for your standard JoJo’s doujin creators, so they went off and founded their own event: Golden Blood.

Golden Blood 9 is sponsored by doujinshi company Studio You and will be held on January 20th. For those of us not in Japan, that usually wouldn’t mean a whole lot unless a scanlation group got their hands on it, but that can change this year.

Japan Life is a blog that offers the service of going to Japanese comic events to buy products for people who can’t attend them through the Japan Shopping Assistance Service. If you find out about a JoJo doujin that you may be interested in or done by a group, called a Circle, that you like, you can follow the instructions for ordering from them here. The cost of going to the event is rolled in with the orders that they get, but only one ticket has to be bought. The more people that join up and order something, the lower that part of the order price will be per person.

This is a chance to get a unique JoJo product that you would otherwise not be able to get. Here’s a sneak peek from the Golden Blood site.

Oh yes. What’s important isn’t that it’s a picture of Cars, but that the artist had enough insight to know that they had to move the loincloth just enough so that the audience could get a whole eyeful of Cars’s useless-at-this-point junk. I’m not saying they’ll all be this artistically solid; I’m just saying it might be worth a look.

(Thanks for the original story from the JJBA Tumblr)